Know Compassion

familyAfter each two-hour shift I spent with the families we hosted through IHN, I walked out of Shomrei feeling humbled, grateful, and sad. These emotions inspired the following poem:

Know Compassion

Even just a little
because we have health
because we have family
because we have security
and we know
as we move
through our day
when a child you love
needs tender care,
someone is there
to offer hugs and love
and safety
and more love.

Know compassion
without judgement
because you never know
when you may need
shelter, clothing, food
because you answered
yes when no called
or you moved east
when west asked
or you accepted
charity masked as
strategy; then
tragedy befell
a family.

Know compassion
maybe even more
because we have
because we eat
because we sleep
and we know
when we rise
inside four walls
beneath a roof
sipping hot or cold
coffee or tea
we are alive
we are safe.


image:  “Family” © IsaacVakeroKoner altered and used with permission via Creative Commons License

Judith Antelman
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One thought on “Know Compassion

  1. You captured the both the fragility and humility that we experience in our daily lives, if we are quiet and open to perceiving them.

    Thank you.

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