Building a Sacred Community – Sustaining Share

Nick LevitinAlmost two years ago, Shomrei Emunah adopted the Sustaining Share Membership Model.  Doing away with the traditional dues structure was a huge risk. The risk has paid off.  Shomrei has become a more diverse and and engaged spiritual community, in part because of the sense of ownership and energy provided by this model. It has also resulted in 18 new family members this year!

One of the principle ideas of this approach –– “Open Door Judaism” –– is that it creates an inviting atmosphere which allows for synagogue membership across the economic spectrum. Many of our newest members, have expressed their appreciation for a synagogue that recognizes that not everyone can afford membership at the traditional levels. Our Open Door policy allows for everyone: younger families with limited income; those who are more established and well off; and a number of our older members on fixed incomes to be a part of our community. The beauty of the model is its inclusiveness. Thus, membership not only provides a sense of belonging, but becomes a “worthy cause” deserving of our support, something that makes Shomrei available to all.

Our older families have made Shomrei what it is today. Our newest families have energized our community and given it a future. Each has made it possible for new generations of families to join and for our community to continue to grow. 

Please know that your pledge makes a very real difference, that our annual budget is determined by the amount you pledge, and that your pledge makes possible all that Shomrei provides. 

 Thank you and Yasher Koach!

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