I Believe in Shomrei


I believe in …

… Rabbi Greenstein, for showing us the connection between traditional Jewish values and prayer, and our everyday lives.

… Heather Brown and Sara Birnbaum who, through their guidance of our children’s education programs, help to instill those values in our next generation.

… Nick Levitin and the rest of the Board’s tireless leadership.

… Marge Wise and the entire Shomrei staff for their skill in facilitating all that happens at Shomrei.

… Shomrei’s core of dedicated volunteers, without whom we could not run our litany of programs.

… those who dig deep to provide the financial resources necessary to support all that we do.

… Shomrei’s commitment to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), through our active role in programs like MESH and IHN, which help to care for those in need.

… having Shomrei as a place to learn, to share Shabbat, simchas and holidays, and to come together in times of grief.

I believe that …
… Shomrei’s future is not assured.

… in this changing world, those of us who “don’t have the time” to lead, and volunteer for, our activities must find the time, so that our valuable programs don’t wither away.

… those of us who have the resources must increase their financial giving to support those who don’t, so that we can all share in the rich resources of Shomrei.

… we must find ways to eliminate whatever barriers exist for potential members to join us and for existing members to stay with us.

… we all have a stake in Shomrei’s continued existence and that we must act that way by choosing to increase our engagement in all that it offers.

I believe that
… we must act NOW to ensure Shomrei’s continuing viability, before we are in crisis and it is too late.

… the current discussions about a new membership model for Shomrei are a vital step in the direction of ensuring that future.

… if we all engage in those discussions, together we will find the best path toward sustaining Shomrei’s future.

For those who weren’t able to attend one of the recent Community Conversations regarding the Sustainable Share membership model, we will be scheduling additional sessions in January. Please keep an eye out for the schedule and join us in this crucial discussion!

What do you think?