Thanksgiving, In any Language

thanks2It’s Hag Ha’hodaya tomorrow. Most of us will sit down for a se’u’da of hodu, me’lit, pire, rotev samikh, ro’tev
ha’mutsi’yot, and pash’ti’dat dla’at.

We may tell stories about an olah regel or two who crossed the Atlantic on the Meiflawer and met some helpful Indianim.thanks3

And then we’ll watch a little footbol or take a short t’numah.

In whatever language, Thanksgiving is an American
holiday celebrated by most of us in much the same way.

It’s Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. Most of us will sit down for a feast of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

We may tell stories about a Pilgrim or two who crossed the Atlantic on the Mayflower and met some helpful Indians.

And then we’ll watch a little football or take a short nap.



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