Treasures or Trash


As I put the library back together, I have found some treasures. Well, maybe treasures for some people but no longer part of the library.

You may have noticed the book cart in the downstairs lobby. The books on it are yours to take. There are books for every age and taste: Jewish books and secular books; new books and used books; fiction and non-fiction. 

They have all been culled either form the Lampert Library’s collection or from donations that the Lampert Library cannot use.

Additional books will be added when books are taken from the cart.

Please enjoy these give-a-ways courtesy of the Lampert Library.

What is not taken will be donated to Better World Books through the drop box at the Montclair Public Library. Better World distributes books to organizations such as Books for Africa and Feed the Children; it helps libraries sell books that are no longer needed; and finally Better World recycles what cannot be used or sold.

Better World also sells used books often for less than the same book on Amazon. Read about Better World Books here. (

And for those of you who still have turntables, the Lampert Library has a small collection of records- the old fashioned kind. They include folk songs, Israeli music, cantorial music and even My Fair Lady in Hebrew.

Please contact me (email hidden; JavaScript is required) if you can give these vinyl treasures a home.


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