Time to Rejoice


Though the weather is unseasonably warm, it is perfect for Sukkot in New Jersey. How often do we search the skies, hoping against hope that the storm clouds don’t settle above our small corner of the earth during this time of our rejoicing.

Sukkot deserves to get much more attention than it does in our hectic twenty-first century suburban world. Camping out, parades, singing, good food…great elements for an all out celebration.

Below are some books to enhance your Sukkot celebration and the last holiday in this Tishri sequence, Simhat Torah.

Spend some time browsing in the 220 section of the library for books to expand and enlighten your study of the Torah.

sukkot3Adler, The House on the Roof. Creative thinking is the key to solving problems.

Cohen, Engineer Ari and the Sukkot Express. It takes a lot of energy and cooperation to acquire everything for the perfect Sukkot celebration.

Hyde, Shanghai Sukkah. Did you know that there was a vibrant Jewish community in Shanghai during the 30s and 40s?

Levando, Vilna Vegetarian. This classic cookbook celebrates Earth’s bounty.

Ofanansky, The Patchwork Torah. A new Torah is created from parts of old scrolls, recalling times good and bad.

Ray, SoferPolacco, Tikvah Means Hope. The author based this book on real events in California.

Rael, When Zaydeh Danced on Eldridge Street. Simhat Torah brings the best surprise of all.

Ray, Sofer: the story of a Torah scroll.

Tarcov, Maya Prays for Rain. In a typical childhood misunderstanding, Maya is concerned about the weather on Sukkot.


Image(s): “Stars…or Sky Through the Ceiling” © goldiekatsu used with permission via Creative Commons License

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