Bookclub: The Hired Girl by Laura Amy Schultz

Shomrei Book Club

Hired GirlThe Shomrei Book Club will meet on Monday, Dec. 12, at 7:30 pm to discuss “The Hired Girl” by Laura Amy Schultz.

Published as a young adult novel, the book is based on a diary kept by 14-year-old Joan Skragg, who flees her oppressive life on a poor farm in Pennsylvania for a better future. She goes to work as a hired girl for a wealthy Jewish department
store family in Baltimore in 1911. There she learns about music, art, and genteel living as she explores new worlds and new ideas.

We welcome newcomers and look forward to sharing an interesting evening with this book.

Josie Zeman

All are welcome to join us. Contact Josie Zeman at email hidden; JavaScript is required for more information if you are interested.

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Note from Librarian Aileen Grossberg: Laura Amy Schlitz is Newbery Prize winning author. She also won the  2016 Sydney Taylor Award given by the Association of Jewish Libraries.

Check out the following for an interview with Laura Amy Schlitz:

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