Tributes to Eric Singer


On top of Mount Kilimanjaro

A Very Sweet Remembrance of Eric Singer by Deanna London

In 1981, having just move to Glen Ridge from Brooklyn, I was shul shopping. On a Friday evening I walked into Shomrei Emunah, through the then front door. I was alone and knew no one. I entered the beautiful sanctuary and was face to face with a tall, rather elegant man, who with a deep and booming voice asked “who are you.” I told him my name and asked in return “who are you?” He answered “Eric Singer.” In that same voice, he asked “what are you doing for the holidays (it was just before Rosh Hashanah).” Nothing I replied. His response was, “then you’ll be my guest here.” And so began my relationship with both Eric and Congregation Shomrei Emunah. Eric knew the importance of making people feel welcome and at ease. I treasure my conversations with both Eric and Rita. I will miss him, his Yiddish jokes and puns. Rest in peace friend.

A Man for All Reasons by Aileen Grossberg

The Shomrei Caterers mourns the loss of our volunteer Eric Singer. When he wasn’t traveling the six continents by land or sea or air, Eric frequently popped into the kitchen on a Friday morning. Sometimes he came with Rita, but often it was just Eric looking for a way to help.

He was willing to do anything that needed to be done and was especially good at opening cans. Somehow Eric had the knack of making the stubborn can opener do its job. Eric didn’t mind getting his hands dirty or greasy. He was as happy cutting fruit or celery as he was with plating lox or messy tuna.

Ever concerned that we be thinking about the budget and Shomrei’s financial welfare, Eric made sure that we didn’t over prepare.

Singer Eric & Rita

Eric with Rita at the Israel Day Parade

Of course, the kitchen wasn’t the only place you’d find Eric. He wandered the building looking for burnout light bulbs, broken tiles, or anything that needed a little fixing.

For years it was Eric supervising the transformation of our social hall into a beautiful prayer space for the High Holidays. It’s hard to look at a milk crate without appreciating the creative use Eric found for them every year.

We will miss Eric, his cheerfulness, and his willingness to pitch in whenever and wherever needed.

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3 thoughts on “Tributes to Eric Singer

  1. Thank you for this beautiful tribute. I’m sure everyone has his or her own Eric Singer story. Why not post them on KE or comment here?
    I looked forward to seeing Rita and Eric every Shabbat. Conversation with them was never dull! They chatted about their latest trip, hike, and the local cause they were supporting to improve the quality of life in Montclair.
    Recently I got to know Eric as a master clock repairman. My sweetest memory of him will be sitting at the kitchen table, sharing stories and watching him handle these tiny instruments with the skill of a surgeon. Of course Rita was in the kitchen giving advice and sharing food and recipes.
    May his memory be a blessing.

  2. What a lovely portrait of Eric as you experieced him! He and I had sometimes locked horns over one thing or another, but in many ways he was one of my everyday heroes. Thank you.

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