We are about to start a new year. We have a new rabbi, new congregants, new students and most of the COVID-19 restrictions have been loosened. We are almost back to normal.
That means that kiddushes will be almost like they used to be except for two things: Beryl and me.
Beryl has a full time job and I will have recently moved and anticipate being overwhelmed by all that has to be done in a new home as well as my other responsibilities as a professional librarian. Neither of us can coordinate kiddush every week as we did pre-COVID. Beryl and I will still coordinate special events like bnai mitzvot celebrations, yahrtzeits, and the like.
So we are asking for some of you to step up and join us as coordinators.
That means planning a menu, shopping, leading the prep, and setting out the food on Saturday morning-or delegating those tasks. None of these things are difficult or need great culinary experience or skills. We will be there to help you with menus, shopping lists, and the logistics of prep. Javier, our Saturday custodian, is a quick learner and has been doing a great job. He’s been very helpful and with good directions, could likely do the Saturday set-up himself.
We have found that Friday mornings work well for prep, but Thursday evenings can also.
The alternative is … just cookies and drinks.
Shomrei has established the tradition of after services socializing over lunch. Let’s keep that going.
Please contact Ehud Klinger (email hidden; JavaScript is required) in the office or Aileen Grossberg (email hidden; JavaScript is required).
Hopefully yours,
Aileen Grossberg and Beryl Hiller
Editorial note: This message was originally emailed to the congregation on August 18th.
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