MESH Report December 24, 2024

’Twas the eve before Hanukkah
And all through the shul
Not a person was present
In the office or school.
The halls were dark.
The playground was quiet.
Rabbi Julie was not to be found.
BUT enter the kitchen and
What do you see?
Six volunteers so busily
Preparing a meal for the
Food insecure.
It’s MESH night at Shomrei
You can be sure.

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Enveloped In Love – Our Kiddush Experience

On Feb 26, 2022, my family hosted the kiddush for Brian’s 10th  birthday party – first time double digits is an exciting chapter! The moment we entered synagogue, congregants wished Brian a happy birthday. Rabbinic Intern, Lily Lucy, welcomed us into the Hinei Ma Tov JLC event, by wishing Brian a good birthday and pointing out to the other students that the birthday table covers, balloons and food items were all set up so that the congregation could celebrate Brian entering his double-digit birthday. It made Brian feel so special. Continue reading

MESH Report Nov 5, 2019


From Captain Linda Ariel:

It was a brisk Tuesday evening on November 5, 2019, and we were blessed with many more volunteers than we had initially anticipated. This allowed the group of Shomrei MESH hosts to run a seamless kitchen and service crew for our 24 guests and to accommodate the four take-away dinners for people for whom we did not have room to seat.

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MESH Report 6/11/19


From Captain Lynne Kurzweil:

On a balmy spring evening we welcomed 24 grateful guests to the Carol Starr MESH Cafe at Shomrei. We also provided 2 takeout meals. The top notch team of Steindel, Eisenberg and Hammerman was on board with Sarah and Sarita preparing a delicious and nutritious meal assisted by Charles and Lou who ably performed numerous tasks including Lou’s stellar pot, pan, dish and utensil washing. We had a new helper tonight. Sarah, the young daughter of our custodian Kevin, pitched in with plating food and serving. She was a big help! Continue reading

MESH Report 5/21/19

Mesh4 2019may21Mesh 2019may21

From Captain Linda Ariel:

It was a lively evening at the Carol Starr MESH Cafe at Shomrei. It was a warm sunny evening, and the days were surely getting longer. We hosted 24 guests and were able to send four additional lucky people home with dinner.  Sarita Eisenberg was top chef with the many able assistants, Chaya Kotlowitz, Charles Steindel, and Sarah Steindel ably preparing a delicious and colorful feast. Jonah and Madeline were the teen volunteers who did anything and everything that was needed to help. Lou Hammerman pitched in as both a server and a pot washer par excellence.

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MESH Cafe Oct 9, 2018

MeshReport from Captain Linda Ariel:

On a warm and humid evening, we welcomed 24 guests for a sumptuous meal consisting of a green salad with buttered challah on the side, Moroccan baked salmon with rice and lentils and roasted broccoli and carrots, and a dessert of fruit salad, cookies, and chocolate cake. Our chefs extraordinaires were Sarita Eisenberg and Sara Steindel with assistant chefs of Lou Hammerman and Charles Steindel. Susan Rosenblatt and Linda Ariel pitched in as well with the preparation of the many dishes.  Continue reading

Mesh Cafe Jan 23, 2018


From Captain Lynne Kurzweil

Shomrei MESH Cafe on location welcomed 17 grateful guests to Union Baptist Church on Midland Avenue in Montclair.  Our Ace Team led by Sarita Eisenberg and including Sarah and Charles Steindel prepared the food at Sarita’s home. The piping hot meal was quickly packed up and transported to the church. During the opening remarks guests were told that even though Shomrei always prepares homemade meals, this meal was, in fact, prepared in Sarita’s home. Applause erupted even before the menu was announced!  Continue reading

Mesh Cafe Oct 31, 2017

From Captain Aileen Grossberg

IMG_1244On an evening that was all treats and no tricks,  21 guests sat down to a simple but hearty meal of minestrone soup, perfectly seasoned baked chicken breasts, colorful roasted baby carrots and broccoli, and smashed roasted potatoes followed by a medley of cantaloupe, pineapple and strawberries accompanied by Halloween Oreos for dessert. Co-chefs Sarah Steindel and Sarita Eisenberg operated like a well-oiled team, never missing a beat and timing the meal perfectly. Continue reading