It’s been Thirty Years!!

Editor Note:  Carol is a former president of Nutley Hebrew Congregation

Time flies when you are where you belong!

On July 1, 2024, the Nutley Hebrew Congregation will have been part of Congregation Shomrei Emunah for 30 years, a milestone worthy of a history lesson in how our merger came about. I am sure everyone knows the phrase: It is not what you know but who you know. This was very true in our case. Continue reading

Remembrances of Dr. Michael Kogan

Michael Kogan passed away on April 6th at age 81. He was living in Charleston South Carolina, to him The Holy City, in his retirement. He was for forty-one years professor of Philosophy and Religion at Montclair State and an expert in fields of Jewish-Christian theology and dialogue, Existentialism, and Old and New Testaments.

Michael was a member of Congregation Shomrei Emunah for forty years. He served two terms as president; founded and taught in the Adult Education program; spearheaded the Scholar-In-Residence program; sponsored and preached at the congregation’s annual July 4th service and celebration; and served as a Torah and Haftorah reader. Michael was a major financial supporter of the synagogue. Continue reading

In Honor of Sidney and Vivien Lechter

Some forty plus years ago, Vivian (of blessed memory) and Sidney joined Congregation Shomrei Emunah. At the time, we had no idea how special and vital they would become to the life of our Synagogue.

Sid was the driving force in bringing the Jewish War Veterans’ Post 47 to our Shul. He was Commander of the Post and ultimately moved up the ranks to the level of State Commander. When Sid told me he was moving, I asked him if there was a Post in Michigan. Yes, he said, two of them, and I am sure either one will be blessed to count him among one of theirs. Vivian always saw to the breakfast after the monthly meetings. They always invited the Sunday morning minyan to join them; lucky for me, because I was often there. Vivian was a great hostess, somehow knowing just the correct amount of food needed, and always how to make that food look and taste delicious. Beyond all that, her friendly personality was infectious, insuring that everyone felt welcome. Continue reading


deannaI remember leaving Brooklyn in 1980. It was a cold winter day and my Vincent just accepted a job in Bloomfield, New Jersey. A foreign place to be sure for a Brooklyn girl. As we crossed the Verrazano Bridge, I was crying hysterically. We were going to live in a place called Verona! Leaving Brooklyn was painful. My mother-in-law still lived in Brooklyn and we returned every Sunday until she moved to Montclair. It was only after her move that the Brooklyn of my youth became a cherished memory. Continue reading