Tribute to Sam Lampert and the Lampert Library

Aileen Grossberg shared this tribute at the Shabbat service on November 23, 2024. Additional comments were made by Katherine Delaney. 

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Jewish Book Month which begins tomorrow and has been going strong for 99 years.

It’s so appropriate that today when we celebrate the many years that the Lampert family has supported the library and made books available to the Shomrei community, we also celebrate the 60th anniversary of Judy Wildman’s bat mitzvah. As Jews, as People of the Book, we hold both bound books and the Torah scroll in high esteem. Continue reading

Kudos to the Lampert Library

At the 59th annual conference of the Association of Jewish Libraries held in San Diego this week, the Alan Lampert Memorial Library of Congregation Shomrei Emunah received accreditation from the SSCPL division of the Association. Accreditation means that the library has done a self-study and meets the Association’s standard for an effective library. Continue reading

MESH Report May 14, 2024

Report written by Noah Delaney

MESH had a great group today that helped to package 50 meals. Chef Lynne organized the creation of a beautiful meal of panko-crusted flounder, sweet potato fries, coleslaw and a hero roll for any sandwich someone might make. We also made a homemade tartar sauce to top the flounder, and added a chocolate chip cookie and Clementines for any sweets lovers as well as a water bottle for hydration. Continue reading

MESH Report April 5, 2022

Thanks to the incredible generosity of the Delany family who celebrated Gabriel’s bar mitzvah this past weekend, our MESH guests were treated to an outstanding meal left from the event, and the cook (that would be yours truly) simply had to lead a very experienced packing team of Sarita Eisenberg and Susan Rosenblatt. Continue reading