MESH Report: Jan 28th

Cook Sarita Eisenberg and her team whipped up a meal for 50 in just 2 hours!

The team included Sarita’s usual crew of Lou Hammerman and Linda Ariel joined by Sarah Steindel, Risa Bernstein, and Carol Rothman. Also helping were Risa’s son Coby and his partner Sam Benke, visiting from Germany (putative prizewinners for the longest distance traveled to help with MESH).

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Yom Kippur, Haftorah Introduction: Becoming a Community of Giving

Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova.

As we all gather this morning, in the midst of a meaningful fast and without that morning coffee I know I am missing right now…I have the privilege of talking to you about, what else? Food…and housing, and the basics of the blessings of what it means to have enough…

And thinking about our neighbors and friends who don’t. Continue reading

Time for Pesto

Pesto for me is seasonal – a summer treat using basil from my garden. It can be frozen to have year-round (although I’ll admit that, when I’ve done this, I’ve usually forgotten that I have frozen pesto and it got too old to use).

I’ve been making pesto since my kids were little, although they initially needed a bit of incitement to eat food that was green. I was teaching an evening class in the city once a week and Lou let the kids stay up until I got home. They would watch me eat, not infrequently begging food from my plate. One night my meal included pesto – the kids gobbled it up and I announced that they were no longer to tell me that they would not eat green food. Continue reading

Shabbat Your Way Message From Rabbi Julie

Dear Shomrei Community,

The last Shabbat Shabbat Your Way before the summer is on May 31.

I want to thank everyone who participated in Shabbat Your Way this year and especially everyone who opened up their homes. We hope you’ll continue to host people over the summer and we’ll officially pick up in the fall.

And please share your Shabbat story with us at email hidden; JavaScript is required.

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Our Trip to Uzbekistan

We were a small group of Jews traveling in Uzbekistan, a predominantly Muslim country. Our tour group had originally included nine others who dropped out of the trip after war started between Israel and Hamas, because they did not feel comfortable being in a Muslim country. However we felt safe and entirely welcome. (All these people wanted to take picture with us!)

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Shabbat in Uzbekistan

We spent two Shabbatot in Uzbekistan.

The first Shabbat was in Bukhara. The men in our group attended Friday services (we had been told earlier in the day by the Rabbi that women do not attend services on Friday).

Afterwards we all made our way for Shabbat dinner to the home of a Muslim family who specializes in cooking kosher meals for Israeli tour groups. Continue reading

Shabbat Your Way Message From Rabbi Julie

Dear Shomrei Community,

Every Friday night when we bless the wine for Kiddush, we sing both of the creation of the world and the exodus from Egypt. It’s a reminder that it is only as free people that we can pause our work and celebrate Shabbat. And this year, the one and only Shabbat during Passover falls on Shabbat Your Way!

Even though there won’t be any challah, we encourage you to have or host Shabbat Your Way on April 26.

And please share your Shabbat Passover story with us at email hidden; JavaScript is required.

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MESH Report April 9, 2024

The sun shone brightly and spirits were high as our energetic volunteers prepared 50 take-away meals for our MESH guests. Working hard on chopping were Rabbi Julie and her sons Ilan and Rafael.  Always willing volunteer Susan Rosenblatt filled little cups with tartar sauce while Carole Rothman wrapped Italian rolls. Alex Kent got the main course ready for the oven. Continue reading