From Captain Stuart Green:
Shomrei’s MESH cafe opened on Tuesday night, welcoming 24 guests seeking respite from temperatures in the teens. They came early and stayed late, enjoying a hot and nutritious meal prepared by MESH superstars Lynne Kurzweil and Aileen Grossberg, sous-chef and pot washer Susan Rosenblatt, and shopper Sarah Steindel. The menu featured minestrone soup, salad, baked tilapia on a bed of greens, rice and mixed vegetables, rye bread, fruit salad, and apple strudel. Teens Amalia, Jonah, Kendall, Louis, and Max served, cleared, and kibitzed, along with MESH pros Bonny, Adrienne, and Joe.
Quick plea from MESH co-chairs Lynne Kurzweil & Aileen Grossberg:
With the exception of Tuesday, 2/12, there are no Cooks nor Captains signed up going forward. We need more help if we want to sustain our MESH Cafe. If you’ve never cooked for MESH or been a Captain we will guide you all the way. Please consider signing up and then do it. To sign up, go to
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