Lisa Suss graduated with a B.F.A. from Beaver College in Glenside, PA and then went on for a M.F.A. in printmaking from N.Y.U. After starting as a fiber artist and printmaker, she expanded her chosen media to include drawing, book arts and watercolor. Her particular focus on looking at the ordinary parts of life in different ways has led her to mixed media. She often uses collage and assemblage, frequently including toys and games, in her artwork. By incorporating odds and ends from garage sales and flea markets, her work questions our values and reflects our skewed views of the contemporary world.
Lisa Suss has exhibited widely throughout the United States and is a juried member of Exhibitors’ Co-op, a well-known artists’ exhibiting group in Northern New Jersey. In addition, she is a long time member of the West Orange Arts Council and served an eight-year term as its president. She is Visual Arts Manager of JCC Metrowest and oversees four gallery spaces as well as being the coordinator for the annual Gaelen Juried Art Show and Sale. She was also a founding member of the Essex County Arts Advisory Board and often serves as an independent art show juror.
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