I am thrilled to announce that Nick Levitin will be this year’s honoree in our Ad Journal and at Shomrei’s annual Honor Night Dinner. Each year we honor a congregant who has had a significant positive impact on our community.
Nick and his family joined Shomrei in 2009. Very soon after, Nick rolled-up his sleeves and began volunteering. He, along with Dale Russakoff, revived Kol Emunah, our monthly newsletter. Nick was an instrumental member of The 20/20 Committee which re-envisioned many aspect of Shomrei’s future. During Nick’s presidency the Sustaining Share Financial Commitment dues model was implemented. Shifting our entire dues system to a voluntary model required a wholesale change in how we communicate, do our billing and budget our expenses. This monumental effort was successful due to the efforts of many many Shomrei congregants, volunteers and board members. But through it all, Nick connected the dots, connected the right people and guided the process as President.
I can’t think of a more deserving honoree than Nick Levitin.
In the coming days you’ll receive information about how we can honor and thank Nick for his service. I hope you’ll consider placing an Ad in our Ad Journal and attending the dinner and festivities in Nick’s honor on the 23rd of February.
Dinner Tickets: http://shomrei.org/dinner
Ad Journal: http://shomrei.org/adjournal
Please make sure to read Judith Antelman’s short bio of Nick here.
-Sara Ann Erichson
President, Congregation Shomrei Emunah
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