All events at Shomrei are cancelled this weekend including Shabbat services and JLC (as well as tonight’s Zohar class). These next few days will allow us to continue to track developments and make the best decisions for moving forward. We will communicate again before then.
We have also decided to cancel all special event programming through the end of April. This includes our Women’s Seder, @nourish, upcoming speaker Dr. Joshua Kulp, and our pre-school Passover celebration. Please refer to the Shomrei calendar to see all impacted events.
We are making plans for how Shabbat services will be conducted next weekend and thereafter including the start of live streaming and other options. Again, more information to follow.
I am happy to report that MESH will continue to provide meals on Tuesday evenings – but we are moving to a “to go” model and food will be available for pick up. Much thanks to Lynne Kurzweil and Aileen Grossberg for making that happen.
We have enlisted the help of several members of our community who are doctors and who are available to us for guidance during this time. Thank you!
As we all know, the situation is fluid, and our plans will continue to evolve as the situation evolves.
Please remember these basic precautionary guidelines:
- Make wise decisions regarding your own health and how it affects others within the community. If you have a cold, a cough, or are sneezing — or are otherwise ill — please stay home, rest and recuperate.
- If you feel you are in a higher risk group…seriously think through what is right for you.
- Please be vigorous in your hand-washing — frequent hand-washing for a minimum of 20 seconds each time.
- Refrain from physical contact. Engage in social distancing. Avoid places where there are large sized gatherings or people are densely packed.
We continue to think about those affected and wish the best for everyone during this challenging time.
Sara Ann Erichson
President, Shomrei
- Please Take Our High Holiday Survey - Thu, Jun 25, 2020
- Caring for each other - Wed, Apr 8, 2020
- Shomrei Update re COVID-19 - Thu, Mar 12, 2020