Jake Gale, Bar Mitzvah

Gale, JakeHi, my name is Jake M. Gale and I am a seventh grader at Glenfield Middle School. I live in Montclair, New Jersey, and have an older brother named Noah. On October 17, 2015, I will have my Bar Mitzvah.

My Torah portion, Noach, is about Noah’s Ark. It is a very popular story. In it, we learn about the Great Flood that destroyed the Earth and how the Earth was repopulated. The parsha is the source of the United Nations symbol of a dove holding an olive branch. Noah first sent a raven, and then a dove, to scout for dry land, and the dove came back with an olive branch, showing that there was dry land. In my D’var Torah, I will discuss how we might have misunderstood the meaning of the raven.

In the time of Noah, people enslaved other people. Sadly, that still exists today. For my mitzvah project, I am raising money for Not For Sale. It is an organization to help stop child sex trafficking and modern slavery. I will planning a fundraiser in June to help get Romanian women out of the sex trade.

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