Saturday, Nov 4, 10:30 am
Good Coffee and Nosh!
Free and open to everyone.
Featuring Life and Career Coach (and Shomrei Member) Allison Task, MS.
Life and Career Coach (and Shomrei Member) Allison Task, MS, will speak about happiness and goal setting (relationship, career, health). This active workshop will help you to identify a clear path for getting what you want, and create motivation and accountability to take your first next step. Allison promises this will be fun, useful, and attendees will leave feeling elevated and inspired.
What’s @nourish? @nourish (“at nourish”) Shomrei’s monthly Shabbat seminar/discussion/activity series for adults presented by Shomrei JLC (Jewish Learning Center). Occuring on selected Saturdays, @nourish will bring varied and interesting speakers or activity leaders to Shomrei to engage our brains, bodies and being. @nourish is free and open to the public.
Here is our fall line-up of speakers for @nourish. Please join us for what will be an interesting series.
Congregation Shomrei Emunah
67 Park Street, Montclair (map and directions)
Nov 4, 10:30am – Allison Task
You Can Get There From Here: A Guided Coaching Workshop
Life and Career Coach (and Shomrei Member) Allison Task, MS, will speak about happiness and goal setting (relationship, career, health). This active workshop will help you to identify a clear path for getting what you want, and create motivation and accountability to take your first next step. Allison promises this will be fun, useful, and attendees will leave feeling elevated and inspired.
Dec 2, 10:30am – Sarvenaz Singh
Living the Immigrant Experience
Shomrei Congregant Sarvenaz Singh will speak about her family’s immigration experience. Sarvenaz was raised in Iran during the start of the Islamic Revolution. She will speak about her experience as a Jewish child living through this historic time, her family’s challenges coming to the United States and her ongoing adjustment to a western lifestyle that includes a strong Jewish identity.
Jan 6, 2018, 10:30am – Rachel Kanter and Jennifer Anne Moses
Downloading the Divine: Making Art in a Jewish Context
Rachel Kanter is a fiber artist whose work explores the connection between ritual and spirit. Jennifer Moses is a painter (and writer) whose work confronts the often rude contradictions between the nobility of our aspirations and the raw humanity of our biblical record. Together, they will discuss the intersections and challenges of making art that both embraces and questions Jewish traditions.
- Sermon for Parshat Beshalach - Thu, Feb 13, 2025
- Dreaming of a New YAC at Shomrei - Fri, Jan 3, 2025
- High Holy Days Service Leaders 2024 - Thu, Sep 5, 2024