Rabbi Search Committee, Update on Progress



Shalom Chevrei,

We wanted to share an update on “What We Did on Our Summer Vacation.”

190 of you participated in our community wide survey, representing over 60% of our members. Another 90+ of you took part in one of our 13 focus groups held in person or via zoom, and the input has been tremendous. We think it is interesting to look at some of the statistics of the participation of those focus groups:

  • We scheduled 15 focus groups and were able to hold 13.
  • We had 92 adult members and 6 teens/tweens participate. Ages ranged from 13 to uh oh, we can’t disclose that figure…
  • Participants have been Shomrei members from less than two years to 65 years, and everything in between.

The Rabbi Search Committee would like to impart a big Todah Rabah for your enthusiasm and commitment to our community. With your help, both the survey and focus group efforts were huge successes. We are currently in the process of reviewing and distilling the information and will then use it to inform our search.

We can share that the overarching message was that we would like the new rabbi to be a worship leader and community builder who fosters connections through teaching and pastoral care.

Feel free to reach out to any of the committee members, in shul during Yom Kippur, during the upcoming sukkot chag or any time. We would be happy to chat, or please continue to send questions and feedback to email hidden; JavaScript is required.

G’mar Chatimah Tova!

Meetings of the Shomrei Rabbi Search Committee

(most recent first)

September 9, 2021

  • Focus Groups Discussion
    • 47 Pages of notes from the groups to sift through
    • How we go about analyzing/synthesizing the focus groups notes to be sure all opinions are represented
    • Overall, very excellent comments and participation
    • Report will be forthcoming
  • Discussion of neighboring synagogues that recently hired new rabbis and spoke about what we can learn from their successful searches


One thought on “Rabbi Search Committee, Update on Progress

  1. The work of the committee sounds productive and on target. We look forward to seeing/hearing candidates.
    Marcia Levy and Mark Cannon

What do you think?