Mesh Cafe Nov 21, 2017


From Captain Alex Kent

The Shomrei MESH Cafe welcomed 20 guests on Tuesday night for a sumptuous pre-Thanksgiving feast, whipped up by Aileen Grossberg, with afternoon cooking help from Beryl Hiller.  Also pitching in were Susan Rosenblatt, who manned the sink like a champ, June Zimmerman and her two 8th grade daughters Elana and Margallit, our dedicated regular Amalia, and three seventh graders who attend the Buzz Aldrin School, Sam, Cole, and Owen, who are volunteering at MESH as part of their Jewish Workshop community service commitment.  MESH intern China was also on hand, along with MESH staffer Adrienne, and Captain Alex Kent.

IMG_3061The meal got underway with split pea soup from the freezer, spiced up with fresh mushrooms.  That was served with hearty bread and butter.  Next came a salad with pomegranate, cucumbers, and an orange flavored dressing.  The main course was baked salmon, accompanied by a festive butternut squash and cranberry kugel, and roasted broccoli, carrots, and sweet peppers.  The meal was capped off with a trio of pound cakes: butter, cranberry, and pumpkin, alongside sliced oranges.   We provided several to-go meals as well.

Our guests really enjoyed their meal, and went out of their way to offer compliments.  A Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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We need you and you need us to help spread the joy of doing this wonderful mitzvah.

Have questions?

Email Lynne Kurzweil or call (973)746-0816
Email Aileen Grossberg or call (973) 744-3836

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