MESH Report: Jan 28th

Cook Sarita Eisenberg and her team whipped up a meal for 50 in just 2 hours!

The team included Sarita’s usual crew of Lou Hammerman and Linda Ariel joined by Sarah Steindel, Risa Bernstein, and Carol Rothman. Also helping were Risa’s son Coby and his partner Sam Benke, visiting from Germany (putative prizewinners for the longest distance traveled to help with MESH).

The meal included individual meatloaves with a side of roasted potatoes and salad, a roll, Oreo cookies, a fruit cup, and bottle of water.

Linda and Sarah prepared the meatloaves, with Linda mixing the meat, Sarah making the sauce, and both shaping and glazing the loaves. Lou and Risa cut and seasoned the potatoes. Coby and Sam chopped, tossed and packed the salad. Carole Rothman packed cookies and rolls into baggies and we all joined in to pack the bags.

Risa, Coby and Sam delivered the food to the Office.

There is a wonderful feeling of satisfaction from MESHing and we have FUN!  Please consider signing up to help.


About MESH:

The Carol Starr MESH Cafe at Shomrei (Montclair Emergency Services for Hope) is a cooperative effort between the MESH organization and local synagogues and churches.

Volunteer at Shomrei
signup here

Shomrei provides 50 meals to MESH on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. We need volunteers to help prepare and pack the food.

For those interested in volunteering who are not available on Tuesday afternoons, we are brainstorming different ways to make it work.  Let us know what would work for you.

Additionally, each Monday afternoon we deliver any usable food leftover from kiddish to MESH.

Volunteer at the MESH Site
Volunteers are also welcome to help serve food 6 nights a week, Monday through Saturday, 4:30-6:30 pm at the MESH site, 619 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair.
signup here

Monetary Donations
If you can’t help in-person, please consider a donation to help fund this important service.
donate here

Questions? Contact Lynne or Aileen:
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