MESH Report May 2, 2023

This week our MESH guests were treated to Fern’s Mediterranean Salmon Feast. As you might know, once each month Fern prepares the meal for 30 in her home kitchen and brings it all to the Shomrei kitchen around 1:00pm on Tuesday.

Shortly thereafter, the assembly team arrives and kicks into gear to portion and pack up the meals in individual containers.  All items are placed into earth friendly bags, then transported to 619 Bloomfield Ave, the site of the former Office Restaurant at 4:45 pm.  Guests are welcomed inside 4:30-6:30 pm, Monday through Saturday.  They can relax, “shop” in the MESH store that is set up with donated clothing, toiletries and other essential items. On some nights there is Bingo, a movie or music.  Dinner is served at 5:30 pm.

This weeks meal included: Baked Salmon with lemon, Tzatziki, String Bean Salad, Cous Cous Salad, Cupcakes (everyone gets two),Rolls, Breakfast bars and Tangerines. There was also watermelon donated by Miriam Haimes.  The All Star Assembly Team included Susan Rosenblatt, Risa Bernstein and Jaden.  Dale Russakoff transported the meals to the Office.
“C’mon people now- smile on your brother-everybody get together- try to love one another right now” 🎶

Please sign up to help with this very important mitzvah- Only 7 more weeks until we break for the summer!

Sign up at:


About MESH:

The Carol Starr MESH Cafe at Shomrei (Montclair Emergency Services for Hope) is a cooperative effort between the MESH organization and local synagogues and churches. While in-person service has been discontinued, we are providing hearty, nutritious take-out meals for the hungry. Shomrei’s turn is on Tuesday nights. Please help fulfill this crucial mitzvah by volunteering to help with food preparation or bagging or by making a donation at:

For questions, contact Lynne or Aileen
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