Editor’s note: The Refugee Committee is a group of Shomrei congregants concerned and involved with the needs of refugees coming to our area. Here is a report of some of the activities some of the committee members are engaged with. If you’d like more information about the Refugee Committee you can join here: shomrei.org/refugee
Dear Friends,
Here is an update on efforts to help refugees and other immigrants in our area:
- An upcoming rally in support of immigrants. This event will be attended by Rabbi Greenstein anyone interested is invited to participate.
- On Sunday, May 7, a small group of Shomrei members and the Rabbi will be attending a Syria Supper Club dinner in Glen Ridge. This event is now filled. However, if you would like to attend other such events we encourage you do to so. You can learn more at the following site: syriasupperclub.org Be sure to scroll to the bottom for the upcoming dinners.
- Meredith Lopez and Merrill Silver will be accompanying one of the recent refugees resettled by One World, One Love to the library in Elizabeth to help her get a library card and explore the resources of the library.
- We are looking into organizing a drive to provide needed items for one of the recently resettled families in Elizabeth.
- We are looking into organizing a fundraising drive to send recently resettled refugee children to summer camp.
Nick Levitin and Andy Silver
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