Author Archives: Lily Lucey
Parashat Chayei Sarah – 11/11/23
Rosh Hashanah Day 2, Sermon – Knowing Before Whom You Stand
Shaliach Tzibbur Lily Lucey’s sermon for Rosh Hashanah Day 2, 2023/5784
After Selichot services last week, I was talking with Morah Lilly– no, not me, although I do talk to myself sometimes! No– the Morah Lilly who is one of the amazing and loving teachers that we are so fortunate to have working in our preschool here at Shomrei. During our conversation, Lilly happened to tell a story about our equally wonderful custodian, Carlos, who was at home with the children at the time while she was running the babysitting room here at Shomrei. (Yes, I did ask their permission to tell this story, although as it’s secondhand I’m paraphrasing their exact words.) Lilly told me that Carlos, while at home, had just sent her a photo of a lightbulb. She was baffled as to why he would send her a picture of a lightbulb and somewhat annoyed as she was hoping he might be doing something useful at home during his time off. He replied: But this is the lightbulb that has been out in the pantry at home for three years! I thought you would be happy to see that I changed it! Continue reading
Title Change for a New Year: Shaliach Tzibbur
This summer, July 1, marked my seventh anniversary of working at Shomrei. As most of you know, Shomrei has become not just a place of work, but a spiritual home for me and for my family. The connection I have to this congregation is deeper than I could have ever imagined. While I sometimes struggle with the importance of titles and prefer to think that I’m just me, sharing this sacred space with you, I am excited about my new title for this year and was encouraged by Rabbi Julie to offer an explanation of why this title was chosen and what Shaliach Tzibbur (“messenger of the community”) means, literally, figuratively, and personally. Continue reading