Welcome to the Board of Trustees 2024

Yasher koach to the 2023-24 Board of Trustees. Special thanks to outgoing board members – past president Miriam Korn Haimes, VP-Legal Gordon Braverman and trustees Audrey Levitin, Lynn Rubin, and Debra Caplan – and to outgoing president Michael Sag (who will continue on the board as immediate past president).

Welcome to these new board members – Shirley Grill, Risa Bernstein, Josh Kline and Suzanne Grobman.

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Welcome to the Board of Trustees 2022

Yasher koach to the 2020-21 Board of Trustees. Special thanks to outgoing board members Sara Ann Erichson, Michael Legman, and Adrienne Shulman Lasiter.

Welcome to new officers Michael Sag and Eric Feldman, who were previously serving as trustees, Rachel Kanter, and Mara Weinstein. Welcome to new trustees Debra Caplan and Martin Kurzweil. Continue reading

Welcome to the Board of Trustees, 2021

Yasher koach to the 2020-21 Board of Trustees.  Special thanks to outgoing board members Dawn Berman, Marc Chalom, Shana Rubin and Allison Task.

Welcome to new board members Adam Dembrow, Lynne Rubin, Sarita Eisenberg and Michael Sag:

Adam DembrowAdam Dembrow, Trustee (term expiring 2022)

My wife Sarah and I, and our kids Lily (11) and Eitan (8), just passed our fourth anniversary of living in Montclair, and we’ve been part of the Shomrei community since we moved here.  I have particularly been enjoying the group study sessions led by Rabbi Greenstein of Pirkei Avot and the Zohar.  I’m excited to join the Board of Trustees and am looking forward to working with the community that I’ve found so welcoming. Continue reading

2021 Annual Meeting Report

The 2021 Annual Meeting of Congregation Shomrei Emunah & The Annual Meeting of the Shomrei Emunah Cemetery Association occurred on Monday, June 28, 2021. Members voted on a number of items including the budget and election of new members of the Board of Trustees.

Results of the meeting:

  • 2020 annual meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
  • Adam Dembrow, Sarita Eisenberg, Lynne Rubin and Michael Sag were elected to the Board of Trustees.
  • Special thanks to outgoing board members Dawn Berman, Marc Chalom, Shana Rubin and Allison Task and to the Moving Forward Task Force.
  • The 2021-22 budget was approved as submitted.
  • 2020 Cemetery Association meeting minutes were approved
  • Elections of  Cemetery Association officers was held.

2021 Annual Meeting Package which includes reports from President Miriam Haimes and Director of Education, Heather Brown and Cemetery Association president Carol Katzman.

Download the Meeting Materials

One More Thank You

Lily-Lucey2One more thank you (an addition to the President’s Report in the 2021 Annual Meeting Package)

While there are so many to thank for everything and everyone that make Shomrei the amazing and vibrant community that we are, especially this past year when we had to constantly change the way we “attended” services and community events, inevitably there is an oversight.  I want to take a few minutes to thank Lily Lucy, our rabbinic intern whom I somehow did not mention in my report.

Lily was key in creating our unique High Holiday experience last year and any time Rabbi Greenstein, Geoff Sadow or I tried to figure out how to bring the services to our Shomrei family, Lily was there with more creative ideas.  She never said no when we asked her to do something and the outcome was always inspiring.  As the rabbinic intern, Lily brought us together for Zoom Kabbalat Shabbat, invited our kids to participate in services, conducted themed Havdalah services and led us for Purim and many other holidays.  She provided teaching to us in her By the Light of the Moon Rosh Chodesh discussions and her thoughtful approach and her lively singing makes me smile every time we are together.

Thank you Lily for all you do for Shomrei.

Meet the New Members of the Board of Trustees

Yasher koach to the 2019-20 Board of Trustees.  Special thanks to outgoing board members  Fern Heinig & Lynne Kurzweil.  Replacing them are Audrey Levitin and Romy Rost.

image001Romy Rost, Trustee (term expiring 2023)

I’m truly excited to join the Board and work together to continue to grow our Jewish community at Shomrei. Seeing my daughter’s joy being in the preschool here has inspired me to get more involved and hopefully bring skills and experience that will help Shomrei flourish, especially in these unique times. Our youngest daughter will soon join the preschool and I have no doubt that together they will discover their Jewish identity in this very nurturing environment. As a career and leadership coach, I love the practice of personal development and therefore am always encouraging myself and others to strive for ‘better’! I look forward to doing that with all of you, too.

DSC_0572-Edit-3Audrey Levitin, Trustee (term expiring 2022) & Co-Chairperson, Social Action Committee

I am so happy to be a Trustee on Shomrei’s board and look forward to serving the community in this new way. I love all things Shomrei.  I come to services regularly, participate in Torah Study and one of my favorite things in life is to be with the community and enjoy kiddush on Shabbat. (A shout-out to Aileen and Beryl.)  I am also the Co-Chair of the Social Action Committee with Sarita Eisenberg.  My husband Nick is a past President and my children Josh and Nina are part of the Shomrei family. Shomrei is quite simply my home away from home.

2020 Annual Meeting Report


The 2020 Annual Meeting of Congregation Shomrei Emunah occurred on Monday, June 22, 2020.  Members voted on a number of items including the budget and election of new members of the Board of Trustees.

Results of the meeting:

  • 2019 annual meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
  • Audrey Levitin and Romy Rost were elected to the Board of Trustees and Miriam Haimes was elected as President.
  • Special thanks to outgoing board members  Fern Heinig & Lynne Kurzweil.
  • The 2020-21 budget was approved as submitted.

2020 Shomrei Annual Meeting Package which includes reports from outgoing President Sara Ann Erichson and Director of Education, Heather Brown.

Shomrei Joins Montclair Sanctuary Alliance

Board at WorkDear Friends,

I am writing to share that on December 9th, the Shomrei Board of Trustees voted to join the Montclair Sanctuary Alliance. By doing so, we add our name to a growing list of houses of worship in Montclair who have combined their voices in support of undocumented immigrants residing in our midst.

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2017 Annual Meeting Report


The 2017 Annual Meeting of Congregation Shomrei Emunah occurred last night, May 24th, 2017.  Members voted on a number of items including the budget and election of new members of the Board of Trustees.

Results of the meeting:

  • 2016 annual meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
  • The new slate of officers and trustees was approved as submitted.
  • Special thanks to outgoing board members David Kanegis and Deb Caplan. Also, Marc Chalom, VP of Buildings and Grounds is stepping down from his position. Thank you for 15 years of taking care of the building!
  • Amendment to the bylaws to change date of annual meeting was approved as submitted.
  • The 2017-18 budget was approved as submitted.

Meeting Packet which includes an overview of the past year, bios of new Trustees, and budget summary.

Welcome to New Board Members

Fern at board meetingYasher koach to the 2016-17 Board of Trustees and thank you to outgoing Board members – Recording Secretary David Kanegis, Trustees Debra Caplan. Replacing them are Beryl Hiller, Meredith Lopez and Dan Winter.

Yasher koach to Marc Chalom, who is stepping down as Vice President for Building and Grounds. Marc will continue on the Board as a Trustee.

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