STOM Kids Cheese it Up!

2015-02-18 19.42.28

From L to R: Aly, Josephene, Leelah, Talia, Elliot, Sebastian, Noah, Tal

Last night the STOM kids (Shomrei Teens of Montclair) and I made a GIANT dish of lasagna for next week’s MESH cafe (our program to feed the homeless every Tuesday night). Part of the STOM Reboot, the cooking was a way JLC Director Sara Birnbaum and Teacher Talia Yarmush have come up with to make Judaism more experiential for the teens. The STOM group is now meeting at Shomrei and sometimes local restaurants or coffee houses. More “rebooted” activities and venues are in the works! If you are interested in STOM or know a Shomrei teen who is, contact:

Sara Birnbaum
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(973) 746-5031 x3

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