Shomrei members gather around Charlie and Nancy Breslin and family (organizers of the Sukkah Building event) and Rabbi Greenstein to celebrate the putting up this years Sukkah. The Sukkah was beautifully decorated inside by our Preschool families.
On a beautiful, sunny morning scores of Shomrei members, friends and guests gathered together to complete the mitzvah of erecting a communal Sukkah. It was truly fun event and real group effort. The Sukkah building and decorating was organized by the Breslin Family and the yummy food and snacks were organized by Aylah Winter and Sally Goodgold.
Charlie Breslin’s report:
Sukkah building this year involved more members of our community than ever before. Not only did we have the “usuals,” we were joined this year by so many pre-school families who are new to Shomrei. Given that the event coincided with the first day of JLC picknick, we were all treated to a great lunch and Debra Caplan’s musical accompaniment. Every year the decorations are more beautiful and the best part of our sukkah is always the way that each individual’s contributions fits together to make such a fantastic whole. That’s also the best part of Shomrei.
Nick Levitin’s report:
Shomrei’s Sukkah builders and decorators did it again! The Sukkah was put up in record time. Charlie and Nancy Breslin did a wonderful job of organizing the event and Aylah Winter and Sally Goodgold ensured that all were well fed with a delicious mid-eastern lunch. The preschool families pitched making the decorations. And… to give the whole event a festive air, Debra Caplan sang beautiful yiddish songs and accompanied herself with an electronic keyboard. Thanks to many many families and individuals who participated! Yasher Koach to all!
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