One more thank you (an addition to the President’s Report in the 2021 Annual Meeting Package)
While there are so many to thank for everything and everyone that make Shomrei the amazing and vibrant community that we are, especially this past year when we had to constantly change the way we “attended” services and community events, inevitably there is an oversight. I want to take a few minutes to thank Lily Lucy, our rabbinic intern whom I somehow did not mention in my report.
Lily was key in creating our unique High Holiday experience last year and any time Rabbi Greenstein, Geoff Sadow or I tried to figure out how to bring the services to our Shomrei family, Lily was there with more creative ideas. She never said no when we asked her to do something and the outcome was always inspiring. As the rabbinic intern, Lily brought us together for Zoom Kabbalat Shabbat, invited our kids to participate in services, conducted themed Havdalah services and led us for Purim and many other holidays. She provided teaching to us in her By the Light of the Moon Rosh Chodesh discussions and her thoughtful approach and her lively singing makes me smile every time we are together.
Thank you Lily for all you do for Shomrei.
- Message from the President – We Need You! - Thu, Feb 3, 2022
- Message from the President – We Need You! - Thu, Jan 20, 2022
- Message from the President – Rabbinical Candidate Visit - Thu, Dec 30, 2021
Thank you for all you do, Lily!!