I am writing to share that on December 9th, the Shomrei Board of Trustees voted to join the Montclair Sanctuary Alliance. By doing so, we add our name to a growing list of houses of worship in Montclair who have combined their voices in support of undocumented immigrants residing in our midst.
By joining the Montclair Sanctuary Alliance we serve as a “Sanctuary Solidarity Congregation”. We commit ourselves, through lawful means, to:
(a) support the work of the Montclair Sanctuary Alliance as we deem appropriate;
(b) facilitate cross-communication with local houses of worship and ecumenical groups regarding opportunities for advocacy on immigration issues;
(c) make our synagogue’s premises available at reasonable times and locations for spiritual and educational programs.
I am proud of our association with the Alliance, and look forward to the work that Shomrei’s Social Action Committee, which serves as our congregation’s primary liaison with the organization, will do.
Any questions? Feel free to write me at email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Sara Ann Erichson
President, Congregation Shomrei Emunah
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