One Year Later

nlevitinAt this time last year we sent out pledge request forms to determine if there was sufficient support for the Sustaining Share Membership Model we were exploring at that time. You responded with an emphatic yes! Here we are today, one year later with a new membership model in place –– one that is working –– and a new spirit of possibility in our community that was so clearly on display at the Shomrei Celebrates event held on February 20th.

Within the next month you will receive an email with information on how to proceed with renewing your commitment for the year ahead. The email will contain a link to an online page where you can indicate this coming year’s pledge and the payment plan you wish to adopt. With this streamlined approach to renewing your membership and the extremely successful invoicing system that was introduced last year, we will continue to revitalize our community and to make it accessible to all.

One of the most striking results of the new model is that many of our newest members have taken on a real sense of ownership of their newfound spiritual home. New members have eagerly volunteered for MESH, IHN, Hinei Mah Tov, the Purim Carnival and a number of Preschool and JLC events. They’ve also played a role in developing and/or participating in some exciting new projects — Wine Gladdens the Heart, the Preschool Clothing Drive, and Shomrei Strikes (a Preschool parents bowling night in the works). Another positive development is that our teenaged STOM group has become increasingly engaged in many of the activities of our community. While this is not quite where we hoped we would be in terms of having volunteerism as a major component of the Sustaining Share Membership Model, it is an encouraging sign of the community beginning to take on projects that are self generated, and therefore hold great promise for expanding volunteerism in our community.

Although we have achieved much this year (see and our financial situation is considerably better than it has been in years past, we still face challenges. While we have been enormously successful in avoiding any cash flow issues to-date this year, we find ourselves once again looking at possible year-end shortfalls for April and May.

In terms of our budget we are projecting to be break even, with perhaps a slight deficit. So, we believe we are in reasonably good condition. However, with regard to the cash flow situation –– since there are no savings to draw on –– we’ll need to perpetuate the problem by delaying paying some of this year’s expenses, unless additional funds can be raised. This will continue every year, even if we have a balanced budget. To eradicate the problem once and for all, we need to have a SURPLUS budget at some point, so that we can pay off the accumulated debt.

As we approach the second year of Sustaining Share, we look forward to accomplishing even more of the intended goals for this new membership model and remain incredibility grateful for your support. It is quite literally, because of all of you, that Shomrei is here for us.

Thank you and Yasher Koach!

Nick signature


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One thought on “One Year Later

  1. Thank you, NIck, for sharing an honest assessment of where Shomrei stands. You deserve a HUGE “yasher koach” for seeing the new mode lput in place and for staying the course. I had already spoken to Marge a while ago about increading my pledge in the next fiscal year to bring it more in line with the actual costs of my membership, and I will act on that at once when I receive the new pledge materials. I am happier than ever that I have continued to make Shomrei my Jewish home.

What do you think?