Andy and I would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has supported THE LITTLE MINYAN THAT COULD all year, and in years past.?? We all lead such busy and complicated lives, but when we make the effort to support someone saying Kaddish, or to simply support our community, our lives are elevated just a little bit. I know the word “mitzvah” means a commandment; I’d like to suggest we add a feeling of elevation or being uplifted to the definition.
The season’s final minyan on June 5 was on our deck. The weather was ideal, with a
gentle breeze, a comfortable temperature and no humidity. The bugs stayed away but eleven people showed up.
We welcomed Rabbi Greenstein back from his sabbatical. After giving Florida a trial-run this winter, Fred Vafaie is probably leaving NJ and starting a new life in Gainesville. We wished him well. He assured us he will be passing through NJ often and will maintain his connections to Shomrei. After all, he said, Shomrei is his “birthplace.” We ate pumpkin cheesecake, to set the mood for all the dairy foods we will be eating
during Shavuot. Let’s not forget the reason we gathered in the first place: to daven Maariv and to praise God.
Please join us as we begin the 11th year of “The Little Minyan that Could” on September 4. I already marked it on my calendar. Have you?
In the meantime, have a wonderful summer!
To find the next minyan at home service, check the Shomrei Services Calendar
- A Swiss Shomrei Shabbat - Thu, Mar 14, 2024
- Remembering Josie Zeman z”l - Wed, Nov 8, 2023
- Eulogy for Yechiel - Thu, Apr 14, 2022