Fast or Slow- It’s Perfect Brisket!

Aug 26what-is-beef-brisket-p2-1805836-CS-7e04c05d721640ef9ee00a6d880d496e

Despite the sultry days, it’s not too early to start planning holiday meals.

In my house we rarely eat red meat except on holidays when I experiment with various brisket recipes.  Here are two: one VERY slow and one VERY fast. Both are classic versions of brisket except for the cooking method.

I have tested both and they are tasty. But remember, as with most recipes, the individual piece of meat and your cooking utensils can affect the finished dish. Always use your discretion if the meat doesn’t seem quite tender enough and adjust the seasoning to suit your family’s taste. And always read through the recipe before cooking.

Aug 26 instant_pot_brisket_bbqMade in an Instantpot or other electric pressure cooker, the first version uses a combination of ketchup, brown sugar, and vinegar to make a slightly sweet and sour sauce. Lots of onions and garlic give it additional flavor. The whole process from start to finish should take a little more than 2 hours, most of which is cooking. You can add carrots or other vegetables, if you wish, by wrapping them in foil before putting them in the Instantpot. The clean-up is quick and easy, too. Click here for the link.

overnight-brisket-1505747173The second is a slow cooked brisket-really slow. It’s roasted in wine and broth enhanced by garlic and onions with tomatoes optional.  A full brisket roasts in a 225 degree oven for 10 hours. This a real set-it-and -forget-it recipe and with minimal cleanup if you use a disposal roasting pan. Here’s the link.

Barbecue style brisket also comes out very well in the Instantpot. Check online for dry rub ingredients and directions.

Aug 26 apricotBrisket freezes beautifully and reheated in the gravy taste like freshly made. Remember to cool the brisket before cutting it and always cut across the grain for beautiful slices. If there are leftovers, they should keep for up to five days in the gravy.

Start the meal with a grilled peach (made on a stovetop grill pan) and arugula salad with a vinaigrette dressing made with a little honey. Add some glazed pecans for crunch. It’s a lot easier than it sounds and will bring a taste of summer to your meal.

Serve the meat with fall vegetable like carrots or butternut squash and smashed potatoes or a hearty grain like kasha to soak up the delicious gravy.

Check for other recipes for Rosh Hashanah including parve apple cake (The Holidays are Coming, 9/3/2020). It’s simple to do a keyword search in the search box on the right hand side of the page.

Aug 26jackfruit-brisket2-vertYum- holidays were made for brisket. But for the vegan cook there is an alternativee using jackfruit instead of brisket.  I’ve never tried it but the reviews are positive. Here are two versions. Jackfruit is available canned or frozen. Trader Joe’s carries it.

Shana Tova and B’tayavon!

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