The Joy of the Chanukah Simcha Band


Eighteen hours after the Simcha Band played at Shomrei’s annual Chanuka party I was sitting poolside in St. Petersburg, Florida. Did I hear Christmas music everywhere? Not me! I continued to hear the eleven Chanuka songs and Israeli folk songs we played the night before. The joy of the band, the SIZE of the band and our professionalism continues to sustain me through the last day and night of the holiday. Continue reading

Photo Gallery: A Beautiful Night at Shomrei


A Beautiful Shomrei Chanukah Celebration!

I look forward to our Shomrei Chanukah Celebration every year. While it is easy to love the beautiful music of the Simcha Band (Thank you Merrill Silver and Mark Weinstein!), the delicious food (lovingly prepared by master chefs John Lasiter, Leon Berman, Fern Heinig, Charlie Breslin, Adam Dembrow, Aaron Task, Kate Breslin, Alan Breslin, and Yechiel Felder), and the fun crafts (have you ever tried an edible dreidel?), my favorite moment each year occurs in the sanctuary.

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Exploration: JLC Grades 5th-7th

IMG_1913 (1)The holidays are behind us, fall is in the air, and the 5th-7th grade JLC students have been exploring a variety of different subjects. From acting out scenes from the weekly Torah portion, to making Israeli salad and hummus, to painting Kiddush cups, to helping each other learn the prayers from Shabbat morning services, it has been so exciting to see their creativity and learning. Continue reading

STOM – Untying the Knot

Old metal box for donations in a Jewish synagogue

Tzedakah and acts of kindness are the equivalent of all the mitzvot of the Torah” – Jerusalem Talmud, Pe’ah1:1. Over the next year STOM, Shomrei Teens of Montclair, will have the opportunity to create their own organization from start to finish. We will name our organization, write a mission statement, choose where our money will go and decide just how we are going to raise that money or how we will become change makers.

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A Terrific Start for JLC!

JLC Staff

The buzz for JLC this year is tremendous! We welcomed the new school year with a fresh new teaching staff, filled with experienced teachers who embrace our student-directed and experiential style of learning. As a result, all three of our JLC classrooms are filled with students eagerly working around the classroom on Hebrew and Judaic curriculum that engages the senses and entices students to learn using a variety of methods that are creative, fun, and modern. Continue reading

Shomrei Teens to Create Their Own Charity

STOM Kids (Shomrei Teens of Montclair) prepare cookies for MESH Cafe, (Montclair Emergency Services for the Homeless)

STOM Kids (Shomrei Teens of Montclair) prepare cookies for MESH Cafe, (Montclair Emergency Services for the Homeless)

STOM or Shomrei Teens of Montclair, is a comprehensive program for students in grades 8-12. STOM builds a community of like-minded Jewish teens, as they meet weekly to connect socially and by developing and building on social-justice and leadership goals.

This year STOM will focus on philanthropy programs that will introduce teens to collective fundraising. This group process is guided by Jewish values and provides teen philanthropists-in-training with opportunities to gain new leadership skills. We hope that this early experience with philanthropy will not only strengthen their engagement with Jewish life but also ensure their commitment to lifelong giving based on Jewish values. Continue reading

JLC (Hebrew School) – More Important Than Ever

IMG_20160718_174715The horrific events in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend reaffirmed my thoughts on the importance and necessity of a Jewish education and a positive association with a Jewish community for our youth and families.

I have vivid memories of growing up in Southern California as a young Jewish girl who always wore a Star of David necklace. Unfortunately, I also have vivid memories of all the times I would hastily tuck the necklace underneath my t-shirt, to blend into the crowd and conceal my Jewish identity. As a Jewish adult, I am thankful for the many experiences that shaped my Jewish identity today, proud that I am unapologetically Jewish first and no longer compelled to hide by Judaism. My Jewish education began in an after school program, much like our JLC, and it forever altered my quest to seek Jewish knowledge and community, and to explore what it meant for me to live a meaningful and authentic Jewish life.

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Cooking with the JLC Kids


All the Wednesday JLC kids and I spent the last two Wednesdays cooking together.  Last week they learned the recipes and this week they cooked themselves (with a little help). They divided into teams and had a competition. The younger ones making dessert  – a whipped cream and pound cake affair. The older kids made homemade Falafel from scratch – from the dried chick peas (the only way to make authentic Falafel!). We pureed, chopped and mixed.  Also on the menu was Tahinah Sauce with imported Israeli Tahinah, Labne (yogurt with herbs and lemon zest), Israeli Salad and Pita/Zaatar crisps. Continue reading