During the summer we sent out an email blast to all our members that included photos and bios of each one of our board members. The intent was to introduce you to the people who are your representatives on the board. That was step number one. Step number two was to reach out to you and to get to know you. We are doing this with phone calls to each member. For those we have reached so far, it has been a chance to connect with you. Many of the conversations we have had provided us with just such an opportunity.
However, there were many we could not reach. We left messages where we could, but few if any were returned. We want you to know that this is a genuine attempt on our part to connect with you––no fundraising or promoting of synagogue events was part of the agenda––simply a desire to say hello and find out how you are. So, if you have not had a chance to speak with a board member, and a message was left for you, please contact the person who called you. They will be very happy to hear from you and I believe you will enjoy speaking with them as well. In the meantime, the calls will continue and we look forward to speaking with those we have not yet reached.
Step three in our outreach to the congregation is the next set of community conversations, to be held on December 3, 7 and 14. The purpose of the conversations is to get your views on a very different membership model designed to provide for our sustainability in ways that many believe may be better suited to our community than the current model. I invite all of you to participate, as I’m sure whatever the outcome, you will find these conversations an additional opportunity for all of us to connect with each other.
On another subject entirely, I want to take this opportunity to thank Deanna London, for 31 years of devoted service in running the Shomrei Emunah Gift Shop. She and a team of dedicated members of the Sisterhood have spent hours and hours each week to ensure that the Gift Shop provides for the Judaica and ritual needs of our community. Sadly, as a result of changing times and especially the Internet, the Gift Shop is no longer the only game in town––the competition is just too much. The Shop will close permanently on December 17. Although tallit, kippot and mezuzot will still be available through Marge, the Gift Shop itself will no longer be open. Although Deanna isn’t going anywhere, we shall miss her presence in the store and we are deeply grateful for everything she has brought to running it. Yasher Koach!!!
Finally, as we approach the last month of the secular calendar, I want to remind our members of the urgent need for all of us to pay our synagogue dues and any other synagogue bills by the end of the year (unless you have made arrangements to do otherwise). We are about to enter the annual period in which cash flow is typically weak for Shomrei (as it is for other synagogues) and this can be a considerable problem if dues are not paid on time. It is imperative that we receive your dues and tuition payments in a timely manner so that we can continue to provide the services that our entire community depends on. If for any reason you cannot do so and need to make a payment arrangement, please speak with our Executive Director, Marge Wise. She will be more than happy to accommodate you. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
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