Splish Splash!

Last Sunday, June and Bela Schwartz graciously opened up their home to families at Shomrei for a Summer pool party.  Preschool, JLC, and potential families all joined together in the backyard for swimming, a BBQ, lawn games, trampoline fun, and more.  Not only was June a gracious hostess, mingling with new friends and old, but she also commented how much she enjoyed having an opportunity for JLC and Preschool families to connect.

IMG_0967In addition to familiar faces, the pool party also served as a great introduction to several families new to the area.  We welcomed them in our typical friendly fashion, and connected new families with those already established in our community.IMG_0948

The pool party also served as a wonderful introduction for many to our new JLC team of directors.  Heather Brown, Lily Lucey, and Aylah Winter were all shmoozing with families as well, and everyone enjoyed meeting them and hearing more about the exciting switch not only to a Shabbat School model, but also our progressive, child-driven curriculum, which will be rolled out this fall.
IMG_0983The event was such a lovely afternoon, and June has already suggested we make this an annual tradition.  We wholeheartedly agree!  Cheers to summer!IMG_0991
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