Listen, My Children…

passover201711History and religion are, I think, much about stories. We learn best when we can relate to events, ideas, practices. A good way to teach about those topics is through characters and situations that appeal to our emotions as well as our intellects.

Story does that. Passover is a prime example of the power of story. The Haggadah is filled with stories, audiovisual aides, and memorable characters. Like the best stories, there are innumerable variations on the “Ur” story. Go to any Jewish bookstore and you will find countless versions of the Haggadah with the telling taking on different emphases depending upon who has written the text, done the translations, or sponsored the printing. The Haggadah reflects individual ideas, political and social trends, religious outlooks and historical events. It can be sensitive to age, diet, and culture.

The Haggadah is the most published book in Jewish literary history. In fact, an Amazon search for “Haggadah” turns up 2365 entrees. Not all are actual Haggadot- and includes only those available for purchase- but that is an amazing number of books and there are many others that aren’t even available through a source like Amazon.

Passover20176Every year brings new versions of the Haggadah. Think of your homegrown Haggadah, reflecting your own family’s needs and your personal philosophy and religious outlook.

The collection in the Lampert Library reflects the wide range of Haggadot for every age and sophistication. What they all have in common is a form of the story, questions and answers, symbolic foods, and song.

Listed below are samples showing the variety of Haggadot available. Check the automated catalog or look in the 262.5 or 243.2 sections of the library for Haggadot and books on Passover.

passover20172Becoming Free: a new look at an ancient lesson: a Haggadah for Passover focuses on the theme of freedom.

The Journey Continues: the Ma’yan Passover Haggadah is one of the feminist Haggadot.

The (Unofficial) Hogwarts Haggadah uses the Harry Potter phenomenon to teach the ultimate lesson: Holiness can be found everywhere, if you know where to look.

Wonders and Miracles: a Passover companion
, illustrated with art spanning three thousand years shows the steps of the seder, as well as, stories and songs. Great art. Appropriate for the entire family.

passover20173Passover Seder: touch, turn, open and learn! Is perfect for young readers with something to manipulate on every page. (JUVENILE)

A Night of Questions: a Passover hagaddah is a four in one guide that has something for everyone in one book.
Seder with the Animals is a step-by-step guide for the youngest seder goers. (JUVENILE)

Passover20175JPS Commentary on the Haggadah: historical introduction, translation and commentary traces the development of the seder and Haggadah. Includes text of haggadah and some reproductions of pages from historical haggadot.

The Szyk Haggadah, created and first published during the time of Hitler, remains one of the most visually arresting Haggadot.

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