Saturday, April 11th, is the final day of Passover. This is also a day on which Yizkor is recited. Since the Hinei Mah Tov group has not scheduled any services between March and May, we are considering adding one more HMT service to the calendar on this day.
We know that many young families (among others) plan to be away during the previous week. In order to ascertain whether enough people will be available on that day, we are asking you to respond to this note. We’d appreciate a reply if you are able to join (or lead) the HMT service at 10:30 AM on Shabbat morning, 4/11/15. Our HMT services usually end around noon. Even if you are in the ‘maybe’ range, please let me know!
We need to hear from you by Wednesday, April 1, in order to determine whether it’s possible to add this service. Please respond to me (Lisa Pendola) via Marge Wise at email hidden; JavaScript is required
Lisa Pendola
The Shomrei Education Committee
- Purim Shpiel – BEAUTY AND THE KING! - Thu, Feb 15, 2018
- Guys and Graggers! – Purim Shpiel, 2016 - Thu, Mar 10, 2016
- Hinei Mah Tov Service April 11? - Thu, Mar 26, 2015