From Captain Linda Ariel:
Tag Archives: Chaya Kotlowitz
MESH Report 5/21/19
From Captain Linda Ariel:
It was a lively evening at the Carol Starr MESH Cafe at Shomrei. It was a warm sunny evening, and the days were surely getting longer. We hosted 24 guests and were able to send four additional lucky people home with dinner. Sarita Eisenberg was top chef with the many able assistants, Chaya Kotlowitz, Charles Steindel, and Sarah Steindel ably preparing a delicious and colorful feast. Jonah and Madeline were the teen volunteers who did anything and everything that was needed to help. Lou Hammerman pitched in as both a server and a pot washer par excellence.
MESH Report 5/14/19
From Captain Shirley Grill:
Tuesday night was a cold and rainy night–not your typical spring evening! Because of the weather, we let our guests in early rather than have them wait outside in the rain. We were fortunate that the meal was a spinoff from our wonderful Syrian meal the prior Friday, so much of the work was reheating and cutting and chopping for a fresh green salad and fruit salad.