Kitchen Scrap Gardening for Passover

Aileen's karpas & maror

Aileen’s karpas & maror

It really works!

At the Passover Splash program on March 7, Aileen Grossberg showed the attendees how the root ends of a bunch of celery or head of romaine can be grown in water for use as karpas and maror at the Passover seder.   Once the vegetables have started to put out roots, they can be planted in potting soil and will continue to grow leaves.

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Please Take Our Shabbat Services Survey

Editor’s note: This message was originally emailed to the congregation on March 25th.

IMG_0397To the Shomrei community,

As we approach spring I think about renewal, emergence from the long winter and change.  We continue to be in an ever-changing and uncertain environment as vaccines become more available and we learn additional facts about COVID 19.

I understand that many of you may be eager to resume our in-person services while others are content to continue with online services.  We have been diligently working over the last year to bring a myriad of services and programs to our Shomrei Community and we are now thinking about options for in person services with appropriate safety protocols.  We will be doing an outdoor Kabbalat Shabbat in April but as we plan for additional services, we want to understand what you, our community, would like during this period of transition.

I am asking you to fill out a short survey to provide input that will play an important role in our planning.  We will endeavor to find ways to gather together as a community.

Here is the link to the survey:

Please respond by Thursday April 8th so we can incorporate your feedback into our planning.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Wishing all of you a very Happy Passover.

Miriam Haimes,

Happy Hanukkah & Thank You!

Editor’s Note: This message was originally sent as an email on Monday December 14, 2020. 

IMG_0397Dear Shomrei Community,

First I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Hanukkah.  Last night [Sun, Dec 13] we lit the fourth candle and many of you participated in our Zoom Community candle lighting and donut decorating.  Often when we wish people a Chag Sameach for Hanukkah we say “May your Hanukkah be bright”. Well the glow of the candles do not begin to match the glow of the warmth that you as a Shomrei Community showed yesterday.  As we distributed almost 100 bags of Hanukkah goodies, we collected so many toys and socks for our greater community. The Sunday minyan had a sunny warm day to meet as well.  We most certainly will make the holiday brighter and the winter a bit warmer for so many people in need of some help and thoughtfulness.  Thanks to all of you who attended minyan, donated and participated in our program and a special thanks to our coordinators and helpers.  I am sure I will leave someone out so I apologize in advance.

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Message from Shomrei President Miriam Haimes


Dear Shomrei Community,

I just returned from Sunday minyan on the Shomrei lawn under a beautiful warm November sun. Several of us gathered in prayer and it is so wonderful to be part of this community. We had some regulars attend as well as others that hadn’t been before. Originally, we thought we would pilot a minyan in the Social Hall beginning in November to test our safety protocols and we still plan to do that as long as our Medical Advisory team thinks it makes sense. However, with the weather cooperating we continue to be outside for as long as the weather is warm and sunny.

With the High Holidays long gone and the stress of Election week starting to calm down, I thought I would reach out to you (albeit virtual) to see how you are doing as well as to update you on what is going on at Shomrei.

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Letter from Shomrei President Miriam Haimes – High Holiday Update

IMG_0397To Our Shomrei Community,

As summer nears an end and we start to see signs of fall, I wanted to reach out to you and update you on our plans for High Holidays 5781.

What do the holidays hold in store for us? In July, Rabbi Greenstein and I wrote to tell you that we made the difficult decision to not have in person services and that we would spend the summer creating a memorable holiday experience that would include the entire community rather than just a few that could be accommodated in the social hall or sanctuary.  We promised a series of programs for adults and children of various ages to be experienced not only on the holiday but in the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah and during the Days of Awe.  We also told you that we would be reaching out for your participation.

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Greetings from Miriam Korn Haimes – New President of Shomrei

IMG_0397Hello! I wanted to introduce myself to those who don’t know me and to say hello again to those who do. When Shirley Grill, representing the Nominating Committee, called me in mid-December to ask if I would consider becoming President of Congregation Shomrei Emunah I was in the middle of volunteering at an event. My first reaction was “why me” but that I needed some time to think about it. Afterall, I had just retired from a 40+ year career in finance and banking and I was already busy volunteering and travelling. My husband David had retired a few years earlier from a career in Restaurant Equipment and there are still many items in our synagogue kitchen that he donated when he was working. So here we were, both retired and both amazingly engaged in so many activities that we never made the time for before. So why now?

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2020 Annual Meeting Report


The 2020 Annual Meeting of Congregation Shomrei Emunah occurred on Monday, June 22, 2020.  Members voted on a number of items including the budget and election of new members of the Board of Trustees.

Results of the meeting:

  • 2019 annual meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
  • Audrey Levitin and Romy Rost were elected to the Board of Trustees and Miriam Haimes was elected as President.
  • Special thanks to outgoing board members  Fern Heinig & Lynne Kurzweil.
  • The 2020-21 budget was approved as submitted.

2020 Shomrei Annual Meeting Package which includes reports from outgoing President Sara Ann Erichson and Director of Education, Heather Brown.

Breaking the Hate: White Supremacy and Immigration

IMG_7797Shomrei members attended a session about immigration led by Reverand David Shaw of the Union Congregational Church on March 4.  The session is part of the Interfaith “Break the Hate ” series developed by Union Baptist Church. Several of the people who attended share their recollections and thoughts about the evening:

Aileen Grossberg

Reverend David Shaw presented a concise and illuminating history of immigration and immigration restrictions. We were all reminded that, despite what Emma Lazarus’s poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty might say, the U.S. policy on immigration has been restrictive for much of our history. To be reminded of this was very disillusioning.

I also thought sharing with a small group was effective. The activity broke up the intensity of listening, made the history become real, and helped us examine our own relationship to the idea of “American.”

Linda Ariel

I was not sure what I expected from last night’s program, Impact of White Supremacy on Immigration. Each of the two previous programs seemed to be more of a reflection of the presenter’s personality, perspective, and background. As such, I am becoming more knowledgeable about the different faith communities in Montclair, the people, their history, and their spiritual perspective.

Reverend David Shaw was an engaging speaker who was comfortable in sharing his experience in coming to the United States as a ‘migrant’, the verbiage he most often used to discuss the people who come to live in the United States of America. He interspersed didactic information with allowing us to discuss our own experiences in smaller groups. This allowed us to form ties with congregants of different religious institutions throughout greater Montclair, which for me broke down the anonymity of the people attending the presentation. Indeed, in attending the three meetings of this series and being engaged in an interfaith women’s group on our town, I am beginning to recognize people who used to be strangers to me and feeling more and more connected to other participants who share common values.

History is not my strong suit, so Reverend Shaw’s review of the history of migration in the US and the evolution of our country’s attitudes to newcomers here was very informative and enhanced the discussions in the small groups.

I continue to learn not only from the people who present each evening, but from listening to the others attending the series. It is important to listen closely to our neighbors and move from being strangers, to acquaintances, and hopefully in the long term to being friends.

Sarita Eisenberg

Several things struck me during the evening. I’ll highlight one – the discussion about who is a “real American”. 

Reverend Shaw is an immigrant. He pointed out, however, that his is not the prototypical immigrant experience as he came from England. No one has ever questioned his right to be here and, now that he is a citizen, no one suggests that he is not a “real American”.  This was also the experience an older gentlemen in my breakout group who came to the U.S. from Scotland about 25 years ago in response to a job offer. No one has ever suggested that he was taking a job away from a “real American”. Although he speaks with a noticeable Scottish accent, everyone he meets assumes that he is a U.S. citizen (which he is not) – a “real American”. I couldn’t help contrasting this with my family’s immigration experience as Jews fleeing from Eastern Europe or with how refugees and asylum seekers are being treated.

Click here for information about additional Break the Hate sessions

Photographs: Courtesy of Union Baptist Church