Not By Brains Alone

Through the ages, Jews have established a reputation as being brainy. Look at the Nobel Prize winners; Jews are overrepresented as a group.

BUT Jews have accomplished great feats in athletics, too. Just look at all the Jews involved in modern professional and amateur sports today – Jews who don’t feel the need to hide their Jewishness, be it religious or cultural. Continue reading

Welcome to the Board of Trustees 2024

Yasher koach to the 2023-24 Board of Trustees. Special thanks to outgoing board members – past president Miriam Korn Haimes, VP-Legal Gordon Braverman and trustees Audrey Levitin, Lynn Rubin, and Debra Caplan – and to outgoing president Michael Sag (who will continue on the board as immediate past president).

Welcome to these new board members – Shirley Grill, Risa Bernstein, Josh Kline and Suzanne Grobman.

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My Israel Autobiography, Parshat B’ha’alotecha, June 22, 2024

Dear Shomrei Community,

I write to you from the JFK airport, ready to travel to Israel to study at the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. This past Shabbat, I shared my Israel autobiography, spanning 16 prior trips that started when I was 16 years old and collectively span almost two years of my life. I invite you to watch the recording or read about the experiences that shaped my deep love and complex relationship with the Land of Israel and the People of Israel. Continue reading

June Garden Update

Everyone who enters our building must have noticed the greening and flowering of our outdoor landscape. This beautiful lifecycle fuels itself, with one season of plants providing nourishment for the next as its foliage decomposes. In the meantime, our flowers provide beautiful decorations for kiddush tables on Shabbat, and the compost from vegetables and fruit used in kiddush prep helps enrich the soil for all of our plants. Continue reading

Kudos to the Lampert Library

At the 59th annual conference of the Association of Jewish Libraries held in San Diego this week, the Alan Lampert Memorial Library of Congregation Shomrei Emunah received accreditation from the SSCPL division of the Association. Accreditation means that the library has done a self-study and meets the Association’s standard for an effective library. Continue reading

It’s been Thirty Years!!

Editor Note:  Carol is a former president of Nutley Hebrew Congregation

Time flies when you are where you belong!

On July 1, 2024, the Nutley Hebrew Congregation will have been part of Congregation Shomrei Emunah for 30 years, a milestone worthy of a history lesson in how our merger came about. I am sure everyone knows the phrase: It is not what you know but who you know. This was very true in our case. Continue reading