Mesh Cafe Sept 19, 2017

MESH Sept 19 2017

From Captain Lynne Kurzweil:

Last evening we welcomed 15 guests to Shomrei’s MESH Cafe. Our regulars, especially, are happy to be back at Shomrei following the summer break.

The meal began with mini quiche and carrot sticks, followed by the main course of Lemon Parmesan Crumb Tilapia, cole slaw and roasted corn on the cob. Challah slices rounded out the meal. Dessert was banana nut bread with grapes and fresh pineapple. The meal was heartily enjoyed by all!

Helpers were new grandma Susan Rosenblatt (Mazel Tov Susan!) and regular teen helpers Davida and Teddy. Our lovely new MESH intern, China, along with Adrienne and Joe completed our A plus team.

Looking ahead, we have Cooks signed up for several of the upcoming weeks…. but we need Captains. Even though we are all preparing for the coming holidays, please take a moment to check your calendars and sign up to help. Once we start up in September, the MESH Cafe is up and running every Tuesday night and we need your help to share in the effort in addition to spreading the mitzvah of helping our less fortunate neighbors.

L’shana Tova

To help out with MESH,  go to:

Have questions?

Email Lynne Kurzweil or call (973)746-0816
Email Aileen Grossberg or call (973) 744-3836

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