
Some people hate leftovers. What’s tasty about dried-out day-old meatloaf sitting in a pool of congealed gray gravy? Or is there anything worse than leftover pasta, turning brown at the edges?

On the other hand, that meatloaf can make a hearty sandwich or maybe even be mixed into that day-old pasta and both will have been given a second chance.

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MESH Report February 27, 2024

A most efficient crew prepared and packed Chef Sarita’s hearty, tasty and nutritious BBQ Chicken Feast for 50 in a repeat record time of 2 hours. The A+ Team included Captain Sarita Eisenberg, #1 First Mate Lou Hammerman, and First Class crew members Linda Ariel, Susan Rosenblatt and Lynne Kurzweil.

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What are you doing for Shabbat?

The weekend in Israel (Friday and Saturday) is approaching and as a visitor, the number one question I always get, What are you doing for Shabbat? Friends ask. People I just met casually, ask. The nine-year-old daughter of a friend of mine texted to ask me, What I was doing for Shabbat?

At one time, my American Jewish perspective interpreted this question to mean, was I Shomer Shabbos? Since I am not, I always answered this question vaguely. Continue reading

Welcoming Shabbat at Brighton Gardens

Each week, I help a small but exceptional minyan welcome Shabbat in what might be the most diverse and innovative “congregation” in the area. The wheelchairs and age-worn bodies throw obstacles easily met with innovative spirit by the group, residents of Brighton Gardens, an assisted living and memory care facility in West Orange. That collective willingness to navigate limitations creates an inclusive, ruach (spirit) filled Kabbalat experience that is a joy to experience for anyone lucky enough to visit (Shomrei’s young Joshua and Benjamin Gold were a big hit this week with their upbeat version of L’kha Dodi)!

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Yes, It Counts – Shabbat Your Way

Dear Beloved Shomrei Community –

We did it!  Last month 56 individuals and families from Shomrei either had or hosted Shabbat dinner.  We’re hoping to have 50+ again for Shabbat Your Way this month, February 23, 2024.   Our goal is to become a community where at least 100 out of our 225 individual and family members have or host Shabbat dinner at least once a month. Continue reading