Yes, It Counts – Shabbat Your Way

Dear Beloved Shomrei Community –

We did it!  Last month 56 individuals and families from Shomrei either had or hosted Shabbat dinner.  We’re hoping to have 50+ again for Shabbat Your Way this month, February 23, 2024.   Our goal is to become a community where at least 100 out of our 225 individual and family members have or host Shabbat dinner at least once a month. Continue reading

A Welcoming Kiddush on Sept 10

Thank you to the outstanding help in preparing and cleaning up last Shabbat’s special kiddush honoring Rabbi Julie.

Led by Aileen Grossberg kudos go to food preparers Barbara Gollob, Beryl Hiller, Carol Katzman, Zen Lucey, and Lindsay Sag.

The clean up crew included Andy Ely, Rachel Kanter, and Rabbi Julie ably helped by our wonderful custodian Javier.

A special THANK YOU to Michael and Lindsey Sag, Andy Ely and Rachel Kanter, Matt  Purdy and Dale Russakoff for sponsoring this kiddush. Continue reading

Welcome to the Board of Trustees 2022

Yasher koach to the 2020-21 Board of Trustees. Special thanks to outgoing board members Sara Ann Erichson, Michael Legman, and Adrienne Shulman Lasiter.

Welcome to new officers Michael Sag and Eric Feldman, who were previously serving as trustees, Rachel Kanter, and Mara Weinstein. Welcome to new trustees Debra Caplan and Martin Kurzweil. Continue reading

Journey From Song to Solitude

Nick FB
Now Showing in The Shomrei Gallery: Journey: From Song to Solitude, The Photographs of Shomrei Congregant Nick Levitin

Dear Friends,

I’d like to invite you to an exhibit of my photographs currently on display at Shomrei.

This exhibit, entitled Journey: From Song to Solitude, is a reflection of my own journey with photography. Although, I started taking pictures when I was a young boy, the 70s was when I began in earnest. It was a volatile and dramatic time that offered up dramatic images of the passions of that decade. That is the first part of the exhibit. Over time, I have been drawn to more serene subjects and those make up the second half of this exhibit.

Net proceeds of any photographs sold goes to Shomrei’s Refugee Assistance Group.

The photos are on display in the gallery on the second floor. I do hope you will stop by and take a look.



Bountiful Brass – A Fitting Tribute (video and photo gallery)

About 250 people gathered at Shomrei for the second annual “Concert for Eric” a tribute to Eric Singer z”l.  This year’s concert entitled “Bountiful Brass – From Bach to Bernstein” featured Montclair Chamber Brass: Don Batchelder, 
Chuck Bumcrot, 
Anthony Mazzocchi, 
Jeff Scott and 
Kyle Turner.
Continue reading

MESH Cafe Oct 2, 2018

MESH oct 2

Report from Captain Alex Kent:

The Carol Starr MESH Cafe hosted a full house, and then some, on Tuesday. Luckily the offerings were bountiful thanks to the previous Syrian lunch, and the Simchat Torah celebration, which constituted much of the meal.

24 guests were served dinner and 7, for whom we had no room, were given takeout dinners. We had a good complement of helpers including newcomers Ira and Wendy Pollack. Ira is a whiz at the dish sink!  Aileen Grossberg and Lynne Kurzweil were the chefs, ably assisted by Shomrei teens Noah, Pacey, and Amalia, and adult helper Rachel Kanter. Bonny and Joe ran the show for MESH.   Continue reading

Mesh Cafe Sept 12, 2017

mesh 2017 sept12

From Captain Stuart Green:

It was a gala opening night of the 2017-18 MESH Cafe season at Shomrei. Sixteen guests joined us for dinner.

Chef Rachel Kanter prepared a sumptuous meal of roasted and marinated salmon fillets, orzo with pesto sauce, green salad, and cookies and fresh fruit. All this was prefaced by hearty lentil/barley/vegetable soup which had been frozen and repurposed from IHN. There was plenty of food for seconds and take-homes. Continue reading