This week, nine Shomrei teens and almost teens, gave up their Monday night, of the last week of school, to prepare, cook, portion, and bag fifty meals for MESH. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Lynne Rubin
Eulogy for Toby Stein
Editor’s Note: Gerry delivered this eulogy at Toby’s funeral on Sunday, February 4. The photograph of Toby was taken by Nick Levitin.
Toby asked me several years ago to speak at her funeral, and since then she told me a number of stories about her life. Unfortunately, I never wrote them down, but I’d like to share a brief overview of her life, as I recall it. If I get something wrong, or I’m missing something, feel free to shout out a correction. Continue reading
Shabbat – Our Way In Verona
On October 7th, when the war in Israel started, I began to feel vulnerable as a Jew. I started to consider where in my life I could find support as a Jewish person and where I might need to reconsider my personal safety. I quickly realized that, as a resident in Verona, I didn’t know more than a few Jewish neighbors. That made me feel vulnerable. What if something antisemitic were to happen to my family? Where could I find support in my own town? Continue reading
Welcome to the Board of Trustees, 2021
Yasher koach to the 2020-21 Board of Trustees. Special thanks to outgoing board members Dawn Berman, Marc Chalom, Shana Rubin and Allison Task.
Welcome to new board members Adam Dembrow, Lynne Rubin, Sarita Eisenberg and Michael Sag:
Adam Dembrow, Trustee (term expiring 2022)
My wife Sarah and I, and our kids Lily (11) and Eitan (8), just passed our fourth anniversary of living in Montclair, and we’ve been part of the Shomrei community since we moved here. I have particularly been enjoying the group study sessions led by Rabbi Greenstein of Pirkei Avot and the Zohar. I’m excited to join the Board of Trustees and am looking forward to working with the community that I’ve found so welcoming. Continue reading
2021 Annual Meeting Report
The 2021 Annual Meeting of Congregation Shomrei Emunah & The Annual Meeting of the Shomrei Emunah Cemetery Association occurred on Monday, June 28, 2021. Members voted on a number of items including the budget and election of new members of the Board of Trustees.
Results of the meeting:
- 2020 annual meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
- Adam Dembrow, Sarita Eisenberg, Lynne Rubin and Michael Sag were elected to the Board of Trustees.
- Special thanks to outgoing board members Dawn Berman, Marc Chalom, Shana Rubin and Allison Task and to the Moving Forward Task Force.
- The 2021-22 budget was approved as submitted.
- 2020 Cemetery Association meeting minutes were approved
- Elections of Cemetery Association officers was held.
2021 Annual Meeting Package which includes reports from President Miriam Haimes and Director of Education, Heather Brown and Cemetery Association president Carol Katzman.
Bountiful Brass – A Fitting Tribute (video and photo gallery)
About 250 people gathered at Shomrei for the second annual “Concert for Eric” a tribute to Eric Singer z”l. This year’s concert entitled “Bountiful Brass – From Bach to Bernstein” featured Montclair Chamber Brass: Don Batchelder,
Chuck Bumcrot,
Anthony Mazzocchi,
Jeff Scott and
Kyle Turner.
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