Shabbat – Our Way In Verona

On October 7th, when the war in Israel started, I began to feel vulnerable as a Jew. I started to consider where in my life I could find support as a Jewish person and where I might need to reconsider my personal safety. I quickly realized that, as a resident in Verona, I didn’t know more than a few Jewish neighbors. That made me feel vulnerable. What if something antisemitic were to happen to my family? Where could I find support in my own town? Continue reading

Welcome to the Board of Trustees 2022

Yasher koach to the 2020-21 Board of Trustees. Special thanks to outgoing board members Sara Ann Erichson, Michael Legman, and Adrienne Shulman Lasiter.

Welcome to new officers Michael Sag and Eric Feldman, who were previously serving as trustees, Rachel Kanter, and Mara Weinstein. Welcome to new trustees Debra Caplan and Martin Kurzweil. Continue reading

Purim Celebration at Shomrei

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My favorite Jewish holiday is Sukkot. Or is it Passover? After
celebrating Purim tonight with our Shomrei community, my new favorite
holiday has to be Purim.  The spirit, the crowd, the young people, the
not-so-young people, Lily leading us with such “ruach” and teaching us
new melodies, Lily directing the JLC acting troupe with her original
shpiel, Debra Caplan accompanying these incredibly talented singers and
actors at the piano, the overflowing bags of Mishloach Manot, and of
course, the 9th Annual Purim Simcha Band all contributed to a most
joyous Purim. Continue reading

Syria Supper Club at Shomrei — a Big Success!

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Eighty (80!) people attended Shomrei’s Syria Supper Club Sukkot Dinner on October 8. The dinner featured bountiful, delicious vegetarian food prepared in Shomrei’s kitchen by three Syrian cooks who have been recently resettled in the U.S.

Rabbi Greenstein welcomed everyone in the sukkah, and then we moved inside (the weather was threatening) for the meal. It was a win-win event all around; attendees enjoyed a delicious meal and the cooks displayed their cooking talents and earned some income to help support their families. (Almost all of the proceeds of the dinner went to the cooks.) Continue reading

Welcome to New Board Members

Fern at board meetingYasher koach to the 2016-17 Board of Trustees and thank you to outgoing Board members – Recording Secretary David Kanegis, Trustees Debra Caplan. Replacing them are Beryl Hiller, Meredith Lopez and Dan Winter.

Yasher koach to Marc Chalom, who is stepping down as Vice President for Building and Grounds. Marc will continue on the Board as a Trustee.

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Mesh Cafe Dec 27, 2016

MESH 2016 dec 27From Captain Sarah Kravits:

On a fairly balmy (for December) evening this past Tuesday, Shomrei hosted 24 MESH guests while also housing IHN families for the week. Chef Aileen Grossberg cooked up a double batch of dinner to serve both groups, starting with a warming minestrone with parmesan and fusilli, then a mixed green salad, followed by a main course of salmon with brown sugar glaze accompanied by roasted carrots, peppers, and purple onions along with rolls. A Hanukkah treat of latkes with applesauce and sour cream rounded out the meal, which ended with a dessert of tuxedo chocolate mousse cake with fruit. Guests appreciated the Hanukkah blessings and menorah lighting and greatly enjoyed the meal. There was plenty, and some leftovers went home with our guests. Continue reading

Preschool Art Auction a Huge Success!

Shomrei Preschool art auction 2015Our 6th annual Shomrei Preschool Art Auction was a huge success! On Sunday morning, May 17th, Shomrei Preschool families, congregants, community members, and extended family enjoyed a special morning in the social hall. Individual and group masterpieces were proudly hung on the walls, and attendees enjoyed viewing the variety of art and different styles presented by the young artists.

In addition to the art, everyone enjoyed a lively bidding session on donated auction items. The donations themselves represented the generous support of the entire community.

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Music Makes Your Heart Soar

Simchah band Purim 2015Have you ever noticed how magical music can be? Music makes your heart soar, your fingers snap, your hands clap and your feet tap. It evokes memories and gives you hope for the future. It makes you smile and sing simultaneously. Continue reading