A Little Bit of Magic

Do you remember the folktale about the shoemaker and the elves who secretly helped out the shoemaker or the stories of Elijah who provided beautifully set tables for poor, but righteous folk?

We have our own not-so-secret elves at Shomrei who on this past Saturday were out in full force at Teddy Goldman’s bar mitzvah as the social hall morphed from sanctuary to banquet hall in less than twenty minutes. Continue reading

Purim Carnival: Goldfish and Pizza

Sam hands out some "Sams"

Sam hands out some “Sams”

A great big “Yasher Koach” to Nancy Breslin The Purim Carnival Chair her committee, Sally Goodgold, Karen Greenwald, Aimee Brooks, Jennifer Sharret and Aylah Winter and the scads of volunteers!  The Carnival was a big success.  Tons of kids running all over the place!  Kids from the JLC were running the games and helping out.

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Shomrei Celebrates: Burnt Tablecloth and a Big Success!

Shomrei celebrates centerpieces

By all measures the Shomrei Celebrates . . . Aileen Grossberg event was a big success. One hundred and thirty people feted our amazing Aileen, ate John Lasiter’s stupendous dinner, imbibed the best whiskey money could buy, watched a fun-filled video tribute produced by Fran Legman and Nick Levitin, and heard our resident poet laureate Judy Wildman read a tribute to our honoree. Everyone mingled happily in this loving atmosphere. The centerpieces, designed by Nancy Beslin and Carol Cathey, were the height of creativity, reflecting two of Aileen’s major areas of interest – books and cooking. Candles on each table conveyed intimacy and romance.

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