MESH Report May 31, 2022

The MESH team of Grossberg, Kurzweil and Rosenblatt did it again. With no one signed up to create this week’s MESH meal, coordinators Aileen Grossberg and Lynne Kurzweil stepped up with the help of ever reliable Susan Rosenblatt.

Thanks to some delicious leftovers from the Brooks family Shabbat dinner and rugelach from Marc Grossberg’s birthday celebration, the takeaway bags were full to bursting. Continue reading

MESH Report 5/7/19

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From Captain Alex Kent:

The Carol Starr MESH Cafe at Shomrei hosted an Asian cuisine night on Tuesday, giving a new life to some delicious Chinese food repurposed from the Beatles Shabbat last Friday night. The food had been graciously donated by Aimee and David Brooks. Chef Lynne Kurzweil whipped up her own carrot and ginger soup, topped with Chinese noodles and parsley, followed by crowd favorites beef with broccoli, sesame chicken, lo-mein, vegetables in brown sauce, and rice. The meal was completed with fruit salad, and black and white cookies.
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Mesh Cafe May 9, 2017


From Captain Sarah Kravits:

JLC Night at MESH was a success! Captain Sarah Kravits, Cook Aimee Brooks, and Cook’s Helper Karen Greenwald put together a warm and filling meal for a chilly spring night, with the help of several excellent sous-chefs from the JLC. The first course was a flatbread with roasted mushrooms, peppers, and Mexican cheese. Next up was the main course of spinach lasagna, mixed green salad, and whole wheat challah rolls. The meal ended with ice cream sundaes, cookies, and brownies. Continue reading

Mesh Cafe Jan 3, 2017


From Captain Fern Heinig:

We had 21 guests visit MESH Cafe on the first Tues of 2017. They were very appreciative of a warm shelter from the cold rain and the menu prepared by Captain Fern and hard working volunteers. First time volunteers Collin and Aimee Brooks were ready to work. Collin prepared the salad and peeled almost all the eggs for the egg salad. He was also a world class waiter. The other members of the crew, Erin, Josephine, Zeke, Amalia, Gabby, Eve, and Sam were soux chefs, servers, and dish washers – everyone doing everything. Adrienne and Joe were the only MESH folks, so a hard evening for them. Continue reading

Purim Carnival: Goldfish and Pizza

Sam hands out some "Sams"

Sam hands out some “Sams”

A great big “Yasher Koach” to Nancy Breslin The Purim Carnival Chair her committee, Sally Goodgold, Karen Greenwald, Aimee Brooks, Jennifer Sharret and Aylah Winter and the scads of volunteers!  The Carnival was a big success.  Tons of kids running all over the place!  Kids from the JLC were running the games and helping out.

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