This year the Latke Crew baked 720 (gluten free) latkes for the Hanukkah party! Thanks and “yasher koach” to the entire hardworking Latke Crew: Charlie and Alan Breslin, Adrienne Shulman and Michael Sag. A number of people asked me for my recipe, so here it is:
Tag Archives: Yechiel Felder
Mesh Cafe Mar 27, 2018
From Captain Aileen Grossberg:
On a clear, cool early spring night, 21 guests gathered at Shomrei’s MESH cafe for a bounteous pre Passover meal. Chef Aileen Grossberg was helped by super spud cutter Yechiel Felder. Teens Davida, Leelah,and Sarah were superb at everything they were asked to do from cutting fruit to buttering bread to washing dishes. Interns Rebecca and Siobhan helped keep the dining space running smoothly. It was all overseen by Adrienne and Joe with our security guard , also named Joe, keeping a careful eye on everyone.
We owe a lot of people our thanks! It’s literally been a flurry of activity at Shomrei since the pipe burst and the flood ensued. Once the initial crisis is over, the hard work begins — the restoration. So many volunteers and staff have stepped-up to meet this crisis on our behalf, it’s a good time to recognize some of them and express our gratitude! Continue reading
Shomrei Latke Crew (and John’s recipe)
The Latke Crew Baked 630 latkes for last night’s Hanukkah party! Thanks and “yasher koach” to the entire hardworking Latke Crew: Leon Berman, Charlie, Kate and Alan Breslin, Adam Dembrow, Yechiel Felder, Fern Heinig, & Aaron Task. (see a gallery of photos below). A number of people asked me for my recipe, so here it is:
“Thank You” at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a day for thanks although we Jews often give our thank yous at the New Year, Rosh Hashanah.
So I am taking this opportunity to put the THANKS back into Thanksgiving and express my thanks to people involved in activities that I have a stake in.
So thank you to all the volunteers who help to get food on the table for those weekly kiddushes. Even when I am not directly involved, I thank them. Without our volunteers we would have no bountiful weekly spreads and the fellowship that comes with sharing a meal.
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Guys and Graggers! – Purim Shpiel, 2016
Come see “Guys and Graggers” during the Megillah-reading service on Erev Purim, Wednesday, March 23rd.
Based on the hit show “Guys and Dolls”, this shpiel was adapted for Purim by Craig Eichner, produced and edited by Lisa Pendola, and directed by Jennifer Moss. Continue reading
Mesh Cafe Feb 9, 2016
Report from Captain Lynne Kurzweil:
Last Tuesday night began with 20 guests, including 4 vegetarians. Shortly before 7:15 pm, the MESH cutoff for allowing any more guests to enter a MESH Cafe, a father and 4 of his children arrived at Shomrei bringing our total to 25. Some or all members of this family of seven (mother, father and 5 children ages 10 and under) have been coming to our cafe on most Tuesday nights for the past couple of months. Continue reading
It Takes A Community

The Bar Mitzvah was poised and prepared. His parents were proud and poignant. The social hall tables were dressed in gold and covered with platters waiting for the hungry congregants to file in after the motzi and Kiddush. All 200 … Continue reading
The Shofar of Hope
Israel Has Come of Age
Notes from the Lampert Library
We mark Israel’s birthday today. She is a country now solidly into middle age with not only a future but also a past. If she were an American, she’d be more than eligible for full Social Security and Medicare benefits.
But Israel is a country, not a person, though isn’t it curious that we refer to countries as “she?”