Mesh Cafe Jan 16, 2018


From Captain Alex Kent

Despite the burst water pipe, Shomrei was able to host a full complement of 21 MESH guests on Tuesday night.  Chef Lynne Kurzweil fashioned a robust dinner, creatively using a lot of existing food before the synagogue has to shut down for repairs.  The meal began with split pea and vegetable soup accompanied by challah rolls and butter.  The main course was roasted cod, rice pilaf, and string beans with tomatoes, along with a green salad.  Dessert was fruit salvaged from a previous event, along with assorted pastries.

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Mesh Cafe Dec 12, 2017

image1 (2)From Captain Sarah Kravits

Shomrei welcomed 23 guests at the MESH cafe this chilly, damp evening. Chef Arden Epstein came up with a cozy meal of deviled eggs with carrot and celery sticks, mediterranean fish stew with carrots and potatoes, fresh bread, and carrots and grapes for dessert. Sous chef Meredith Barringer assisted along with Elana and Margalit. Continue reading

Mesh Cafe Nov 21, 2017


From Captain Alex Kent

The Shomrei MESH Cafe welcomed 20 guests on Tuesday night for a sumptuous pre-Thanksgiving feast, whipped up by Aileen Grossberg, with afternoon cooking help from Beryl Hiller.  Also pitching in were Susan Rosenblatt, who manned the sink like a champ, June Zimmerman and her two 8th grade daughters Elana and Margallit, our dedicated regular Amalia, and three seventh graders who attend the Buzz Aldrin School, Sam, Cole, and Owen, who are volunteering at MESH as part of their Jewish Workshop community service commitment.  MESH intern China was also on hand, along with MESH staffer Adrienne, and Captain Alex Kent.

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An Evening of Warmth and Spirit



120 people gathered at Shomrei on Saturday March 4th to honor Rich Epstein and Susan Lazev at “Mensches & Martinis” our annual Honor Night celebration. Accompanied by the marvelous Stepansky-Posada Jazz Ensemble, the evening began with an elegant cocktail hour followed by catered feast.

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Cooking is underway!

John Lasiter cooking mushrooms

Cooking has started for the Shomrei Celebrates dinner this Saturday, Feb 20, honoring Aileen Grossberg. John Lasiter has planned an amazing menu for hors d’ouvres, dinner, and desert. The cooking started on Wednesday Feb 17  with the big cooking days being Thursday and Friday, Feb 18-19.  It’s great fun, with music, conversation, and chopping (lots of chopping!).  Take a peak at what’s happening in the Shomrei kitchen. Continue reading

Mesh Cafe Jan 19, 2016

mesh1 2015jan 19

From Captain Alex Kent:

On a frigid Tuesday evening, the Shomrei MESH Cafe welcomed 22 guests for dinner. Lynne Kurzweil was the Chef du Jour. Merrill Silver supplied a tasty split pea soup, which was followed by a main course of breaded Tilapia, baked sweet potatoes, spinach and feta quiche, roast broccoli with garlic and lemon (prepared by the ubiquitous Aileen Grossberg) and buttered bread. Dessert was clementines and strawberries, accompanied by homemade cookies and cake baked by Shomrei’s own STOM teens.  Continue reading

Mesh Cafe Dec 8, 2015

MESH 2015 dec 8

Report From Captain Stuart Green: 

Shomrei’s MESH Cafe last night provided another hot and nourishing meal to a group of 16 appreciative guests. Chef John Lasiter, assisted by Deanna London, Elliot Lasiter and Ethan Coplan, prepared a memorable meal of fresh salad greens, challah, succulent roasted chicken, savory carrots, rice, and blueberry galette. The meal was preceded by blessings over the Hannukah candles, and guests were later entertained with seasonal songs by the singing group that practices in the shul on Tuesday nights. Guests were given go bags with cookies (courtesy of June Zimmerman) and clementines on their way out. Continue reading

It Takes A Community

The Bar Mitzvah was poised and prepared. His parents were proud and poignant. The social hall tables were dressed in gold and covered with platters waiting for the hungry congregants to file in after the motzi and Kiddush. All 200 … Continue reading

Yasher Koach! Book Fair a Success!


Vicki Compter Lefkowitz, Tsipi Taube and Adrienne Lasiter

The Shomrei Book Fair was a success! Scores of bookmarks were created by kids. Aileen Grossberg gave an interesting talk. Sara Birnbaum mad-libbed along. Heather Brown read to the little ones. Snacks were snacked! Rabbi David Greenstein even explained the Zohar on one foot.

Best of all loads of books were purchased by the Shomrei Community and over $800 was raised for the benefit of the JLC (Hebrew School) and the Shomrei Preschool.

Yasher Koach to organizers Tsipi Taube and Adrienne Lasiter and their committee: Sara Hollander Birnbaum, Heather Brown, Shirley Grill, Vicki Compter Lefkowitz, Lisa Pendola, Lynne Tapper, Renata Worob and June Zimmerman!